Remaining politically neutral during General Election 2024

Under guidance from the Electoral Commission and Charity Commission, it's important that Scope remains politically neutral during General Elections.

While we understand that this period will see many passionate discussions and do not want to discourage open discussion, we cannot allow discussions which are purely intended to influence voting.

As ever, please make sure that your comments remain respectful of other people's opinions and keep to our online community house rules.
If we become concerned about you or anyone else while using one of our services, we will act in line with our safeguarding policy and procedures. This may involve sharing this information with relevant authorities to ensure we comply with our policies and legal obligations.

How is your day going?



  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 55,302 Disability Gamechanger

    I will today with sun screen enjoy your mom's if you go for a walk @Lou67 might do you good to get out

  • Teigr
    Teigr Community member Posts: 4,000 Disability Gamechanger
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,266 Disability Gamechanger

    Yes definitely I’m feeling a bit hemmed in I need some fresh air. The skys are trying to clear up it rained a little but it’s off again but it’s so clammy.


  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 55,302 Disability Gamechanger
    edited June 24

    Morning @teigr

    Yeah it's muggy here already Lou I might have a walk to the shop. I need to go chemist for my meds too hopefully no issues today with that

  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,825 Disability Gamechanger

    Hi @Ada sorry I'm not as chatty, I'm actually feeling OK it's not because I'm feeling bad 😊 thanks for asking after me though, I hope you're not too bad today??

  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,825 Disability Gamechanger
    edited June 24

    @Ada you definitely have not upset me 😀 I'm sorry if I gave that impression. If it helps: I would always say if someone did upset me, so if I don't say that then please know it's safe to assume you haven't!! 😊

    Are you feeling OK today?? Did Betty take you for a walk yet? 😂 We just did Jenson but it's getting quite hot

  • Teigr
    Teigr Community member Posts: 4,000 Disability Gamechanger

    Mr Teigr has a hospital appointment today,it's only seven miles away but he's going to have to leave at half one(his appointment's at 3 o'clock)because the bus times are all over the place.

  • Teigr
    Teigr Community member Posts: 4,000 Disability Gamechanger

    There's no sun here @Sandy_123 ,no air either.

  • loladale87
    loladale87 Community member Posts: 41 Pioneering

    hey all,

    getting used to having a dog about, she was fine with my son letting himself in but as soon as he walked towards me she barked.

    M has started to move his things over ready for Saturday. Though if he gets his way he'll be coming here after work Friday.

    Hope mr teigr appointment goes well

  • Teigr
    Teigr Community member Posts: 4,000 Disability Gamechanger

    Thank you @loladale87 ,I just hope he's back before bedtime.

    I have no idea what's happening with the buses,but it's been going on for weeks.

  • Marydoll5
    Marydoll5 Community member Posts: 446 Disability Gamechanger

    Hi everyone It's very humid here too and overcast. Gp phoned Mr scan results show osteoporosis 😪. Calcium tablet being changed to stronger one so I'll collect it ASAP.

    Feels like one step forward two steps back. He (really me) has to fill in questionnaire about diet and lifestyle to see if there's things we can improve to halt osteoporosis. Any tips please let me know.

    @Ada sorry you are so sore. Betty will understand and it's hot too.

    @Teigr hope Mr t appointment goes well

    @loladale87 sounds like your the master to protected by the dog

    @Sandy_123 and @Beaver79 and @Lou67 have a good afternoon too.

    @rubin abd @66Mustang and everyone else have a good afternoon too

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 55,302 Disability Gamechanger

    Good luck @teigr

    Just back from chemist had to wait for them to check it all even tho it was dispensed but all there just one item on order

    Its really hot out

  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,825 Disability Gamechanger

    Well done for doing a walk @Ada I'm sure Betty is grateful

    Hello @Marydoll5

  • Teigr
    Teigr Community member Posts: 4,000 Disability Gamechanger
    edited June 24

    There's always something isn't there @Marydoll5 ?

    I know one of the foods they don't recommend is spinach,broccoli is good though and nuts.

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 55,302 Disability Gamechanger

    I might pop out to get my friend a birthday gift after my coffee as I'm all dressed properly .

    Hope you rest @ada

  • Teigr
    Teigr Community member Posts: 4,000 Disability Gamechanger

    Sorry to hear you're not doing too well today @Ada.

  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,825 Disability Gamechanger

    @Ada I think I maybe asked before (sorry) but is Mr. able to walk Betty or is he not able to go on his own?

    I'm going to go for a drive now, I'll be back later 😃

  • Teigr
    Teigr Community member Posts: 4,000 Disability Gamechanger

    I have a friend who's too embarrassed to buy toilet paper @Ada.

  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,266 Disability Gamechanger

    I hope your husband’s appointment goes well. Shame about the buses.

    Awk that’s a shame after everything he’s went through sorry to hear that.

    Glad you got your meds, good luck gift hunting. I’m finishing a cuppa then walking up to my mums the sun is trying to come out but it’s so clammy doesn’t feel like there’s any air.

    That’s good you managed to get out a walk rest up now.


  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,266 Disability Gamechanger

    Thanks yes I will speak later 😊

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