How is your day going?



  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing


    I don't know if you saw me mention this before but GCHQ were specifically recruiting autistic people at one point because they wanted to exploit the way some autistic people work and see things and stuff like that

    They were offering all sorts, even like a special "handler" type person to make sure you were comfortable and had what you need, it sounds like reasonable adjustments but dialled up to the max because they just wanted to make sure you were able to do your job

  • Teigr
    Teigr Online Community Member Posts: 4,831 Championing

    Morning all.

  • rubin16
    rubin16 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 857 Championing

    Oh yeah, I got offered a job with GCHQ before when I was at college. I do regret not taking it up although I'm not sure they would accept me now with a diagnosis of schizophrenia. I turned them down originally as I would have to sign the secret act and basically not be able to say a word to anyone or where I worked and didn't want to live a lie.

  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing

    Sorry just saw this post

    Thank you for the offer, but a computer for me now I just want to know how to work it and stay safe ha ha

    Do you know if the site does other subjects, or is it just for computing? I'm more into philosophy and stuff these days

    I really appreciate the offer though!!!

  • rubin16
    rubin16 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 857 Championing

    Oh they just do computing, but i'm sure theres other free sites on different topics you could do. Theres so many options nowadays.

    Morning @Teigr hope you have a good day, do you have any plans?

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 5,096 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Good luck @Agulu, hope you can get some support or a referral! Let us know how you get on.

  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing


    I would apply again if/when you are able, it seems they just want capable people and are willing to go out of their way to accommodate, something to bear in mind maybe!!

    I don't think you would be living a lie, I have a relative who signed the Official Secrets Act, I don't think it's illegal to tell people you've signed it, or even about certain bits of his job (he was a rocket scientist!) it just stops you sharing specific things

  • Marydoll5
    Marydoll5 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 656 Championing

    @66Mustang I'm replying to your question at last from last night! The attendant said I was less than 15 metres from the corner / junction and I was more as I am really careful to park on double yellow lines using blue badge...the usual rules still apply.

    Thats why I took photo evidence to show this. His attitude stank and I don't want to give hesdspace to it but the 2nd reason I went to appeal was for all mobility challenged and blue badge holders. My Mr was so upset, he never cries but the traffic warden caused a lot of hurt and this person needs to be reminded we are actal people and deserve respect.

    Off my high horse now 😊

  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing

    I can understand your partner being upset @Marydoll5 🙁 I hope it hasn't put him off going out in the future

  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing

    Hello @Beaver79 🙂

  • Agulu
    Agulu Online Community Member Posts: 142 Empowering


    she didn't give me a referral, it was my last chance,

  • Binky1234
    Binky1234 Online Community Member Posts: 467 Empowering

    I hope you managed to get some sleep.

    Not nice living with pain.

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 5,096 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    I'm so sorry @Agulu, did she explain to you why she couldn't make the referral? Or did she give you any other things to try?

  • Agulu
    Agulu Online Community Member Posts: 142 Empowering

    she didn't care, she wanted to end the conversation, she sent me a self referral link, I started crying, she didn't even try to help, I don't know what to do,

  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing

    I'm relatively good today thanks @Beaver79

    I hope you had a nice morning and continue to have a good day 🙂

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 5,096 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Sorry that happened to you @Agulu, it's not nice to feel unsupported by someone when you were hoping for a different outcome. It's totally natural to feel so sad about it, take it really easy today. Is the self-referral link for talking therapies or something different?

  • Agulu
    Agulu Online Community Member Posts: 142 Empowering

    I've already tried therapy, it didn't work, I've already given up and I decided it's time to end this suffering, And I found you, I decided to try again, but unfortunately I don't deserve help

  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,736 Online Community Programme Lead

    Hi @Agulu, I'm really sorry you're feeling this way, but I want to make it clear that you do deserve help and support. Therapy can be a journey full of ups and downs and sometimes it takes time to find the right fit. Please consider reaching out to the Samaritans at 116 123 for immediate support, or text "SHOUT" to 85258 to talk to a trained volunteer. You're important, and there are people who care and want to support you through this.

    Have you thought about trying a different GP, or going through your local authority to self-refer?

  • Agulu
    Agulu Online Community Member Posts: 142 Empowering

    I called the Samaritans and the man who answered told me to calm down, of course I was crying, and he said he would call tomorrow, I asked him why he didn't want to talk, that I had it now, he insisted that tomorrow, of course he didn't call, so it was a bad experience the first time I opened up, how can I get help through the council? I won't call anywhere anymore because it's not for me, I tried

  • Agulu
    Agulu Online Community Member Posts: 142 Empowering

    Rosie_Scope update

    She didn't send link for self referral, just number phone if l feeling suicidal