How is your day going?



  • Amberpearl
    Amberpearl Online Community Member Posts: 1,947 Championing

    Had a restless night

    Got up fews times

    Absolutely chuckin it down

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 5,096 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Morning everyone 😊 Happy Saturday! Has anyone got any plans for today?

    Hope you can get some rest to make up for your rough night @Amberpearl

  • Elvisdog
    Elvisdog Online Community Member Posts: 69 Contributor

    Know snow here, was up until 2am, just damp and grey here, this morning.

    Feeling ok this morning, hope everyone has a good weekend.

  • Elvisdog
    Elvisdog Online Community Member Posts: 69 Contributor

    @Amberpearl hope you have a restful weekend.

    @Sandy_123 my cousin lives in Canada with his Wife and children.

    We had this picture a couple of weeks ago outside their home.

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,607 Championing

    Morning everyone

    @Elvisdog yeah they've had loads, my granddaughter was shouting at the snow truck, not to move the snow. It's not stuck here we've had rain all morning.

    Morning @Amberpearl and @Rosie_Scope

  • Amberpearl
    Amberpearl Online Community Member Posts: 1,947 Championing

    I'm. Tired out

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 5,096 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Wow that's a lot of snow @Elvisdog!

    Living in the south we never get much snow. I think the most we had when I was living with my parents was about a foot, and everywhere had to shut down for a couple of days.

    We still have that snow panic here in London. First couple of flakes of snow hit the ground and the whole transport network grinds to a halt. 😁

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,607 Championing

    Its chilly here heating on

  • Elvisdog
    Elvisdog Online Community Member Posts: 69 Contributor

    @Rosie_Scope I know, other countries that have very deep snow each year, must think we are bonkers in Britain, when we have snow, shut schools, transport cancelled and abandoned cars, we have no preparations, that are good enough to keep us business as usual.

    I can't imagine what would happen here, if we was to get really heavy snow or freezing temperatures. Im old enough to remember the blizzards and days of snow and ice. With no heating back in the day, i also remember our net curtains being stuck to the windows. My dad giving a man sruck at a bus stop, a lift as the buses were being cancelled. The fun we had building snow men and making ice slides, snow was expected for every year, I almost miss it lol.

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 5,096 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    We can hardly deal with the sun here either @Elvisdog, just feels like the whole country is often taken aback by any kind of extreme weather!

    Those sound like some lovely memories. Maybe not the chilly mornings without heating though!

  • Amberpearl
    Amberpearl Online Community Member Posts: 1,947 Championing

    Still raining

  • Teigr
    Teigr Online Community Member Posts: 4,817 Championing

    Afternoon all.

    I've got another cold.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,789 Championing

    Dogs keep me up all night feel so anxious im ok one minute they i start thinking and get scared seems thier be mentioning what doing with pip in spring budget im sick of the whole of it years of this first tories now labour spying on banks the lot

  • Elvisdog
    Elvisdog Online Community Member Posts: 69 Contributor

    @Rosie_Scope To true, I.cant deal with really hot weather, would sit out in it when I was a teenager, I used sunbeds too but now I'm hiding indoors, blinds shut, iced drinks, really can't deal with it.

    The only problems with sliding on ice, was my dad checked the bottom of our shoes, convinced he could tell if we was sliding, and wearing the soles out, we paid the price. Omg I feel old, it wasn't unusual to put cardboard inside our shoes if we had any holes even when I was first working.

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,607 Championing

    Oh no @Teigr I really can't wait for spring winter seems like it's lingering

  • Teigr
    Teigr Online Community Member Posts: 4,817 Championing
    edited February 8

    Its been cold after cold since the end of October @Sandy_123 ,I'm fed up with it.

  • Elvisdog
    Elvisdog Online Community Member Posts: 69 Contributor

    @Catherine21 I'm already regretting my vote. I hoped we would be safe with our disability benefits..migrating to UC was a total nightmare. I thought that this would be the hardest change benefits, being told once I moved from ESA SG that I wouldn't receive any of the increases, as the extra money for my disabilities, will eventually be faced out.

    Im now fighting the decision by council tax benefit as im apparently no longer entitled to any more than £4.00 a month benefit and i recieved a bill for nearly £400.00 in January to have been paid in full on the 2nd of February, im appealing but ive been told I need to set up a direct debit to start clearing this bill as I'll receive my new bill that will be increasing in April. Ive tried setting up a direct debit to pay what I can afford but I'm only able to have a direct debit that pays my bill in full, or im two halves.

    Im totally terrified like everyone else, about how we will manage if the government makes radical changes to PIP, It's not a luxury its what I need to keep a roof over our heads. the council tax advisor i spoke too, told me he was in the same boat and only got the same reduced amount, I pointed out to him that the difference was he was able to work whereas I can't. Scary times ahead for all of us.

  • Elvisdog
    Elvisdog Online Community Member Posts: 69 Contributor

    I'm sorry my posts are long everyone, im a chatterbox in life and obviously at texting too! 🤔 apologies.

  • Schildpad
    Schildpad Online Community Member Posts: 244 Empowering
    edited February 8

    I am petrified about being moved to UC and the hassle of doing so and the worse getting less money than what I am getting right now. I rather prefer not to think about it.

    I am so so feel rather anxious but not as bad. Weather is bad.

    So gloomy. Hoping weather will be better tomorrow.

    Hope you are ok so far ..

    I am scared about this government. The other one left me in peace a bit but this one seems to only attack the poor and sick. Not fair.

  • Elvisdog
    Elvisdog Online Community Member Posts: 69 Contributor

    @Teigr hope you get better soon, my household has been the same, this winer, I had my covid and flu jabs, but it's been constant coughs and colds now we are experiencing the tummy bugs.