


  • Agnia
    Agnia Online Community Member Posts: 1,570 Connected
    ok and im here lonely it’s insurmountable for me to put it all together 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,032 Championing
    Agnia said:
    The risk of addiction is greater in people who were addicted to alkohol or other medications 

     Why do you keep comparing addictions to other things in life to a prescription drug? It's not just the addiction being the reason they won't give it regularly, it's because your body soon gets used to it and then it has less effect. 

    Have you spoken to your Doctor? 
  • Agnia
    Agnia Online Community Member Posts: 1,570 Connected
    i found this information on a psychiatric side  also from people who have knowledge in the field of psychiatry how these drugs work and from people who took these drugs 
    i haven’t slept all night 
    i took one tablet Phenergan which didn’t help at all 
    since 8 am the upstairs neighbor has been using a hammer drill 
    i got prescribed sertraline again even though i reported it earlier  that affects me badly 

  • Agnia
    Agnia Online Community Member Posts: 1,570 Connected
    Hi letitbe thank you for writing here about zopiclone and promethazine and thank you for sharing your experience 
    Hi Rosie thank you for writing here
    yes every body is different
    when i was writing at the beginning of this post “please could you help” i had in mind please could you help me for writing to me about your experience and could you write to me as in normal conversation what people have on the forum and also sharing the knowledge that people have regarding medications resulting from their experience after taking specific drugs and also expand this knowledge themselves studying available professional literature regarding this topic 
    i read a statement and the article recently that internist doctor who was the manager of the clinic said and admitted that it happened more than once that representatives of pharmaceutical companies they tried to corrupt her forcing prescriptions to be written for a specific drug 
    i have really a lot of stress and was  really grateful if anyone wrote to me
  • seny7
    seny7 Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener
    Lou67 said:


    I had the exact same experience as Albus with zopiclone they left a terrible taste in my mouth so couldn’t take them. 
    Phenergan were really helpful to me.
    I hope if you give them a chance they will help you.

    yes it does help me sleeping better than zopiclone
  • Agnia
    Agnia Online Community Member Posts: 1,570 Connected
    Hi seny7, thank you for sharing your experience 
  • Agnia
    Agnia Online Community Member Posts: 1,570 Connected
    when i take one promethazine tablet around 11 pm i fall asleep around 3 am 
    this cause additional stress because im stressed that sleep doesn’t come even after taking the pill 

  • cupcake88
    cupcake88 Posts: 1,412 Trailblazing
    Hi there I was prescribed Diaz for many years by my Gp went into hospital and this was taken off me and I was given promethazine it doesn’t work at all I find it isn’t strong enough I don’t bother with it . I have nothing to treat my panic attacks now I have mirtazapine to help me sleep at night that works well for me . 
  • Agnia
    Agnia Online Community Member Posts: 1,570 Connected
    Hi cupcake, thank you very much for writing about yourself here and for sharing your experience 
    i have only promethazine now and this drug is like a joke in treating my chronic insomnia 
  • cupcake88
    cupcake88 Posts: 1,412 Trailblazing
    They always give it out in mental health hospitals in a joke it never works for any one I know you can buy him from boots over the counter . If you want some thing to help you sleep ask your doctor for mirtazapine that helps me sleep 
  • Community_Scope
    Community_Scope Posts: 1,593 Empowering
    Please remember we cannot give medical advice on this community. Please use caution and always speak to your GP.
  • Agnia
    Agnia Online Community Member Posts: 1,570 Connected
    Hi cupcake, thank you very much for writing here ,
     i took mirtazapine in the past , unfortunately it didn’t help me sleep at night at all , however it caused a lot of sleepiness during the day , i fell asleep in the morning  and i was waking up at 3 pm or even at 5 pm because i couldn’t wake up earlier 
    zopiclone worked the best for me 
    yes i will ask the doctor again but mirtazapine didn’t help me sleep at night 

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,695 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    @Agnia again, not medical advice, but could it be worth asking your doctor about mirtazapine again, but maybe taking it in the evening, so the soporific effects kick in at night time? That's helped me in the past. 
  • Agnia
    Agnia Online Community Member Posts: 1,570 Connected
    Hi Albus , thank you very much for writing here , i really tried taking mirtazapine at different times 
    it really didn’t help me sleep at night 
    only zopiclone helped me 
    had a very positive effect on the quantity and quality of my sleeping 
    i really need stronger medicine than promethazine 
    i would rather be addicted to zopiclone 
    i suffer from a  severe chronic insomnia