About the PM's (Sunak's) speech: Stop demonising us



  • apples
    apples Online Community Member Posts: 457 Empowering

    I totally agree they will be using the “it’s good for mh to work” but they need to understand mh, as previously said in this post when I become overwhelmed I start shouting at people and become frustrated, how is me feeling like that good let alone for an employer or other colleagues

    I don’t blame you Catherine for having the volume down, I don’t watch at all I just look on the news sites to see the latest or read on here

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,975 Championing

    Honestly I agree

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,975 Championing

    I personally never had trouble with wca never they might as well push us into sea let's see what happens next they have to look at wca and pip they know exactly what thier going to do !!

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    @SummerLove you said "most end up at Tribunal for the WCA" but that's not true because the majority of people are found to have LCWRA/Support Group (65%). Which means most do not end up at Tribunal.

    Since April 2019, DWP have made 2.4 million decisions. Of these decisions, 16% of people were found to have no limited capability for work and hence no longer on UC health, 19% limited capability for work (LCW), and 65% limited capability for work and work-related activity (LCWRA).


    ESA Support Group stats are slightly higher at 69%. https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/esa-outcomes-of-work-capability-assessments-including-mandatory-reconsiderations-and-appeals-june-2024/esa-work-capability-assessments-mandatory-reconsiderations-and-appeals-june-2024#work-capability-assessment-outcomes

    • 69% of outcomes for Support Group
    • 14% of outcomes were for Work Related Activity Group
    • 17% of outcomes were found Fit for Work
  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,975 Championing

    Honestly since autumn budget been awful we had ro endure horrific bullying sick note Britain scroungers if you can work will work in November I was bad it gripped me pure terror out of mind anxiety it's bludy inhumane the lot of them !! Who wants to be disabled in this cruel country would be easier to be independent than this fear of losing everything never knowing when your time comes for the chopping board god I wish My life turned out differently I really do at the mercy of greedy parasites who hoard all the money for themselves family friends who love the power and control shame on them the best karma for them is to get an illness that money can't cure sick of it sick of them

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,975 Championing

    That wes guy was saying thier changing human rights bill ? Also when will we find out of investigation of DWP does that still stand with a new government sorry about my wording spelling

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,975 Championing

    When did they drop that was it recent god autum whole year from November guessing what's our faith I felt so deflated yesterday years ago would have been delighted I think I understand no one's going to save us but let's hope that's all we have

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,975 Championing

    Evil evil so will all be for noting they should still say thier findings and say to labour this won't be tolerated moving forward

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,975 Championing

    Oh OK ohhhhh feellll like screaming !! Thought that would save us I did read two hundred people taking dwo to court regarding loss of spd when moving from esa to uc

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,975 Championing

    Me to Jeremy a great man great man and a great loss for us all he really would have sorted uc he has kindness compassion a real people's person now we have the dregs I hope I'm wrong I really really do But still bo mention of us ! I have to be careful not to keep emailing them and telling them exactly what I think

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,975 Championing

    OK so let's hope that has a good outcome might change for everyone if they win

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,975 Championing

    I remember the press was a pack of wolves around him God bless him for going independently especially what he had gone through strong man he has a passion to help those most in need very rare breed in politics now we have fat greedy cats picking at our bones gluttony they have done every deadly sins

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,975 Championing

    He really does jealous wish he was my mp

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,975 Championing

    Oh no dif anything come of it

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,975 Championing

    I know they will carry on the migration I'm so so angry that labour have left us out of the loop they know exactly what thier welfare plans our will be a mildy lighter touch they tories so we feel we're getting a better deal the changes already planned and ready for action

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    Thanks, that's an interesting read. Although different to what I was referring to, which was the SDP and EDP when transferring from some legacy benefits.

    That link refers to being worse off in the longer term after TP has eroded. I'm actually one of those because my ESA also includes both disability premiums. For me, it's actually worse because I also claim carers allowance and when I move to UC the carers element won't be included due to having LCWRA.

    I may give advice on the law regarding benefits but in no way does it mean I agree with all of those laws, far from it.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,975 Championing

    It's not about what you can't do it's about what you can ! Oh you can work from home you can climb mountains the world os your oyster your only feeling a bit bluey come on chop chop as people are unaliving themselves it's a big set up scrap Rwanda oh yh millions on that scrap that's inhumane well what about fkijg. US shame on them the suffering continues never let's is try to rest no just make us worse animals

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,975 Championing

    Whoa I had to laugh blocked you how spineless of him can I ask that was guy read of nhs said they will be amending hunan rights straight away is that good or bad

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 679 Pioneering

    Hi I have started a new discussion called Labour and what's in store for us under benefits category, hope that's ok so we can discuss our worries and insights and news about the Labour govt.