Hey, I'm new to this group

FallOutBoyfan99 Online Community Member Posts: 13 Connected

I'm Dyspraxic and may be Autistic as well (I've recently been referred to my local Autism service but have been told it will take 3 years to get a diagnosis from them).

I was wondering if anyone feels like I do, I feel jealous of other people's successes and feel the need to compete with them to be on their level. I've always felt like this and it's making my depression worse.

Does anyone have any advice on how to deal with these feelings? I've tried talking therapy & CBT, but they didn't help me.



  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,629 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Heya @FallOutBoyfan99 and welcome to the community. :)

    WIth regard to the autism diagnosis, have you looking into Right to Choose? It can knock years off that waiting time!

    As for dealing with those feelings, that's a really tough one, as what will work for one, might not work for another. Many people on the spectrum have said that CBT didn't do anything for them, me included, but I found talking about things did help me process it all better, as did writing things down. So hopefully by talking things through here, it may help you a bit?