Contribution Based ESA PIP And SDP

kami_84 Community member Posts: 17 Listener

Hello Dear People.

I am on CB ESA in a Support Group, I am on both enhanced compononents of PIP. And I'm writing to enquire wether I would qualify for SDP. Am I entiteled to it and how to go about it?. I live on my own and noone is helping me.

In the past CAB told me that because Im on CB ESA then I should ask for SDP. Can someone shine some light on it for me please. Thank you.



  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,306 Championing

    Which ESA are you claiming, is it the old contributions based or New style? If it's new style then there's no disability premiums payable with this.

    Can I also check your fortnightly amount because a lot of people get confused between Income Related and CB. If your weekly amount is £138.20 (£276.40/fortnight) then this would be either the old CB or New style.

    If that is the amount you receive, when did your claim for ESA start? This may give me an indication of whether it's CB or New style.

  • kami_84
    kami_84 Community member Posts: 17 Listener

    Hey Poppie,

    Yes, this is the exact amount (276 every two weeks) I am sure I'm claiming CB esa as I had called them

    I think it started end of 2018 or slightly earlier. Thank you.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,306 Championing

    There's a high possibility that it's New style ESA because all areas have been Universal Credit since end of December 2018. It's not been possible for the majority of people to claim the old contributions based since that date.

    Even before that date a lot of areas had moved to UC and once that happened you could no longer claim the old CB.

    ESA letters are extremely difficult to understand and I don't think it would be clear which one you're claiming even by looking at your letters.

    What I'd advise you to do is ring ESA and ask which ESA it is you're claiming and they will tell you if it's New style or not. If it is then there's no disability premiums payable with this as it's a CB benefit only.

    If it's the old CB then you will need to ask them to send you the ESA3 form to be assessed for the Income Related top up before the SDP can be awarded.

  • kami_84
    kami_84 Community member Posts: 17 Listener

    I have already called them twice. First person told me its a new style. But when I called them as I wanted to report the savings they told me I am on contribution based not a new style. They said no need to report savings. And that I am 100% on contribution based. Would there be any backpayments?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,306 Championing

    Well there's a 50/50 chance it could be either of those. Both New style and CB are not means tested so neither of them are affected by savings/capital.

    I'd advise you to ring ESA and ask if you can be assessed for the Income Related top up, if it's possible they will send you the ESA3 form. If it's not possible then you will know that it's New style you're claiming and not the old CB.

    If you have no other income and don't have savings of more than £16,000 then you will be paid anything that's owed. If you have savings of more than £6,000 then for every £250 or part thereof over that amount there's a £1/week deduction in the ESA.

  • kami_84
    kami_84 Community member Posts: 17 Listener

    Dear Poppy.

    I have càlled the ESA and asked them about my situation regarding ESA IB Top up and SDP. I asked the guy if I have to fill in ESA 3 form or IS 10.

    His responce was that he is calling main DWP department for a review of my my claim. That I indeed have been receiving contribution based benefit for the last 6 years but my original claim was for an income based.

    I asked him if I have to fill in ESA 3 form or the other IS 10 one. But he was just repeating that I have to wait for a callback from them within 10 working days.

    Should I really leave it amd wait for them?

    I concerned what this could mean for me.

    Wpuld appreciate your reply.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,306 Championing

    Im not sure what they mean by “your original claim was for an income based.” If it’s the old contributions based you’re claiming then this will always take preference over an income based claim. This means they check entitlement to CB first and then check Income based entitlement.

    If your claim is New style ESA and it could be then you won’t receive any forms because it’s a contributions based only claim.

    You will just need to wait for the phone call. I’ll assume they are needing to check which ESA you’re claiming.

  • kami_84
    kami_84 Community member Posts: 17 Listener

    Dear Poppy,

    What I meant to say is that this guy on the phone has confirmed that it is indeed a Contribution Based ESA, not a New Style. That it os Contribution Based claim.

    But. He said that I have made an application originally for an Income Based. And this is what he has had an issue with.

    I am now full of anxiety that they will make me repay or something else. Am I in trouble now? If six years ago my claim was made for one but I was awarded another?

    Feeling stressed.

  • kami_84
    kami_84 Community member Posts: 17 Listener

    It seemed like he blamed me and was trying to say that I originally have made a claim for an Income Related ESA. And this is an issue now. Its what he was trying to say.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,306 Championing

    For the old legacy ESA when you claimed in the past they would look at entitlement to CB first and then Income Based. CB takes preference over IB. There was no difference in the form for either. I can’t see how you would be in any trouble.

    Before they can assess you for IB they need to send you the ESA3 form.

  • kami_84
    kami_84 Community member Posts: 17 Listener

    Thank you Dear Poppy,

    Would it make any difference if I printed it out and send it to them as soon as I can?

    This ESA 3 form is to check wether I am entiteled to IR ESA top up.

    But I want to start this proccess because I would like to get backdated premiums from all these years.

    I have heard of IS10 form which is for severe disability premium.

    I am on a contribution based benefit the last 6 years, I live alone, noone lives or has lived with me, I receive PIP for the past 5 years. Initially it was enhanced daily living, now I have enhanced 2 components and noone has ever claimed Carers allowence for me.

    How should I go about sending them IS10 form? Should I send both at the same time?

    Should I send first ESA3 and then IS10?

    Or only IS10?

    I'm quite confused as I do want the top up but also backdating.

    Thabk you in adwance for help.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,306 Championing

    Yes you can go ahead and download and print the form off and return it to them. You will need to do the ESA3 form first. Thinking about it, there maybe questions related to the SDP on this form. The only form I can find is this one, I have no idea if it's the correct one because it's dated from 2018.

    It's been more than 10 years since I filled out the form and can't remember what it even looked like. When I claimed SDP it was about 18 months after I first started claiming ESA and I just filled out the IS10 form because I was already claiming Income Related ESA.

    There is another way of claiming SDP now, just ring them and ask to fill out the form. (if nothing is mentioned in the ESA3 form)

  • kami_84
    kami_84 Community member Posts: 17 Listener

    Dear Poppy,

    I have gone to the Job Centre today and have picked up the forms. They gave me ESA3 and IS10.

    But the woman from job centre asked me why I want to send them the ESA3 form. She asked whether I spoke to ESA and that this is only for change of circumstances. She was concerned that sending this will cause reassesment. Is sending ESA3 the only way to get disability premiums since that woman at job centre was sceptical?

    I also have a question. It asks on the form whether my condition changed since the last review. My condition has not changed since the last review. Has not improved. If anything got worse.I have still the same symptoms. But I got diagnosed with autism few weeks ago. But it has not change as to how it impacts me at all its just new diagnosis to add to few other diagnoses.

    I am not sure what to put in that box since I dont want this to trigger any medical review.

    What do you think?

    Thank you,


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,306 Championing

    The ESA3 form is to assess your financial situation only. It will not start a review for a work capability assessment. They are still suspended for the majority of people in the Support Group anyway.

    A diagnosis will not change the Support Group decision anyway so put no change. Very odd that question is even asked anyway.

  • kami_84
    kami_84 Community member Posts: 17 Listener

    It also ask me if I had been to the hospital since last claiming esa. I had been to the hospital. So what should I say? It does ask queations about health.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,306 Championing

    That’s not really relevant to you because you’re still claiming it but answer it anyway. It’s referring to hospital stays and not just normal appointments.

    Yes I see it asks about health but remember it’s a form that’s usually filled in when you first claim when it was possible to claim the old contributions based/ Income Related ESA and it hasn’t been possible to claim those for quite a few years now. Some of the questions are not really relevant to you but you still need to answer them to make sure they have no reason to return it.

  • kami_84
    kami_84 Community member Posts: 17 Listener

    Dear Poppy,

    I am trying to fill this in it asks me do you or your partner or children get DLA. I put a No, but I get PIP. I dont know if this is an old form where people were getting DLA and not pip. What should I do? Maybe they mean PIP?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,306 Championing

    It's highly likely a very old form as you had it from your local Job centre. Put that you claim PIP, not DLA. Some people are still claiming DLA too.

  • kami_84
    kami_84 Community member Posts: 17 Listener

    Hello Poppie,

    I have had a phone call from the DWP today and a woman asking me many questions (similar to the ones on the ESA 3 form).

    She said they will only be checking my eligability for IR ESA top up from 07/2019 because it's the date I had received Indefinite Leave to Remain (I am an EU citizen who lives here legally since 2006), which to be honest I found strange because before that I was living here legally too (I got CB ESA before being granted Indefinite Leave to Remain).

    I asked her do I still have to send ESA3 form, at the beginning she told me to not send it. Then she said oh okay send it. I asked her to give me the address to send it to. She said she would text this straight after our call (which she didn't).

    I do have difficulty filling out this form, some of the questions I answered 'no' and I think I wasnt suppose to touch it. So I put N/O next to them. Not Applicable.

    I'm scared, as on Sunday 30/06 I was attacked neighbour due to disability which police investigates as a hate crime. And ever since then I dont know what to do since Im unsafe in my home. There were talks for HA to rehouse me or to go to council as at risk of homelessnes. If I went to a borough where I would need to claim UC would I still be backpayed for that period? Or if council put me in Temp accom in the same borough wpuld tjis still count as living alone?

    I am dealing with two at the same time ESA stuff as well as the hate crime and persistant harrassment from 30/06.

    I don't know if I filled this form right.

  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,411 Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @kami_84.

    I'm so sorry to hear about your neighbour's actions. Have the police had any more involvement, such as charging your neighbour with a hate crime? No-one should have to live in fear in their own home. I hope that you are moved soon.

    I'm not sure about the benefits side but I'm sure someone in the community will be able to help you soon 😊