Dwp universal credit



  • Bostankhan22
    Bostankhan22 Online Community Member Posts: 80 Connected

    Also I'm in a housing association house and they put up solar panels I hope they don't change my band. I am currently band a but I hope housing benefit don't change me having these solar panels. I mean it wasn't myself who out them up or paid for them...midland heart did

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,230 Championing

    The band A would refer to council tax and not housing benefit.

  • Bostankhan22
    Bostankhan22 Online Community Member Posts: 80 Connected

    Poppy sorry for asking again but I wasn't sure about the carers bit. My daughter is 22 on universal credit and gets carers allowance for me. She has always lived with me. I get the enchanted rate for both living and mobility but not the premium. Now will this still affect my housing benefit or not

  • Bostankhan22
    Bostankhan22 Online Community Member Posts: 80 Connected

    She is down as my daughter living with me already so they are aware but I wasn't sure as I judt dud a review form online and there's no change in my circumstances

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,230 Championing
  • Bostankhan22
    Bostankhan22 Online Community Member Posts: 80 Connected

    Thankyou poppy. Always helpful.

  • Bostankhan22
    Bostankhan22 Online Community Member Posts: 80 Connected

    Just wondering can the new government force people who are on pip for mental health diagnosed with bpd with high dose of anti depressants to work or look for work despite being on esa in the support group. Are we the ones they will target ones that have no voice and are vulnerable. Please advise

  • Bostankhan22
    Bostankhan22 Online Community Member Posts: 80 Connected

    Catherine I'm sorry you going through same as myself. My bpd is quite bad and I have had this for a number of years hence not working and on my own.

    I hope they look at every individuals situation. But let's not worry yet it will be a while before things will be put in place. But I feel they targeting the vulnerable especially ones with mental health.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,475 Championing

    Me too awful when get triggered this is true it would take years xx

  • Bostankhan22
    Bostankhan22 Online Community Member Posts: 80 Connected

    Can anyone tell me that my pip is awarded til 2026. But can they reassess me before and if nothing has changed can they take my pip away. I literally rely on my pip and worried once they reassess they will cancel my pip.

    I try not to listen to hearsay but it's difficult when it's all over the media. Please advise

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,230 Championing

    At the moment they are contacting people about 8 months before your award is due to end. They will send you a form to fill in and return.

    Any new decision made will overrule your current award so yes your PIP could either remain the same, be increased, decreased or stopped completely.

    Make sure you treat it as a new claim when you do fill out the form.

  • Bostankhan22
    Bostankhan22 Online Community Member Posts: 80 Connected

    Thankyou poppy so lets say in my case nothing has changed since last review what happeneds then.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,230 Championing

    I'm afraid that doesn't guarantee your award to continue and you shouldn't take it for granted it will. It happens all the time where peoples conditions haven't changed and the worst happens. This isn't to say that's what will definitely happen to you. You just need to make sure you treat the form as a new claim, as I advised above.

  • Bostankhan22
    Bostankhan22 Online Community Member Posts: 80 Connected

    What are the chances of pip being turned into vouchers and will they actually work. I'm just thinking how possible can it be, not everything will be bought with vouchers. I find it difficult to understand all this vouchers lark. I Don't know what others have to say about this.

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 4,857 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    We don't know at the moment @Bostankhan22, this was just one option that the previous government were considering.

    We don't know exactly what the new government have planned, but we should hopefully be hearing more over the next few weeks 😊

  • Bostankhan22
    Bostankhan22 Online Community Member Posts: 80 Connected

    Yes true Rosie there's so much speculation about these vouchers not going to work but as you said lets wait and see. I use my money on taxis because of my disability and mental health so how does the vouchers work for that.

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 4,857 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    It does feel quite impractical for a lot of people @Bostankhan22, the amount of admin involved processing people's claims would be pretty difficult for the department to deal with. People have such unique needs and need their PIP for all sorts of different reasons.

    Fingers crossed we get some answers soon!

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,230 Championing

    No one can answers your questions because no one knows what may happen yet.

  • Bostankhan22
    Bostankhan22 Online Community Member Posts: 80 Connected

    Can anyone tell me what is this white paper about and if this so called white paper goes ahead how long before things will be put in place with pip changes. I know we shouldn't worry but it is a worry with everything going up.and the gas and electricity going up.etc...its a huge worry. Please advise