Hi, my name is ginuvine!

ginuvine Community member Posts: 8 Listener
edited August 10 in PIP, DLA, and AA

Hello, I have ask I been first time awarded August 2024 both pip as standart rate and been backdated to april when I apply and I have ask. If I ask for MR do I still received payment or it stop till MR decision? Thank you


  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,059 Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @ginuvine, welcome to the community.

    May I ask the reason for applying for MR after being awarded PIP at the standard rate?

  • ginuvine
    ginuvine Community member Posts: 8 Listener

    Hi because my mobility i received 10 points and I thing I can have more because I use crutches in both hands and can go more than 20m ibam owerhelmed, dizziness pain when i start walking. In home I cant go quick in toilets and sometimes I p.. myself thats I state in my form and said as well in phone assessment but she write in report I can go 20m to 50m

  • ginuvine
    ginuvine Community member Posts: 8 Listener

    Sorry i cant go more than 20m

  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,059 Online Community Coordinator

    I see. Have you started receiving payments already? If so, they will continue whilst you appeal.

  • ginuvine
    ginuvine Community member Posts: 8 Listener

    I received only the backdated payment now thats it

  • ginuvine
    ginuvine Community member Posts: 8 Listener

    If i ask for MR the payment stop till decision of MR?

  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,059 Online Community Coordinator

    Hmm, I'm not entirely sure. If the payments are already set up then you should keep receiving them and it seems they should be if you've received your back payment. I'm not 100% sure though and don't want to give you the wrong information. It's probably best that you contact them, or a member here may know the answer.

  • ginuvine
    ginuvine Community member Posts: 8 Listener

    Thats fine ok and thank you for your time with me

  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,059 Online Community Coordinator

    You're very welcome and sorry I couldn't give you a definite answer.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,087 Championing

    Your current award will continue until a decision is made on your MR. You should put the request in writing stating where and why you think you should have scored those points. Please do not ring to request it.

    The most likely outcome of the MR will be the decision remains the same. If this happens then you can request the Tribunal.

  • ginuvine
    ginuvine Community member Posts: 8 Listener

    well, thanks for the advice, so I have to fill out the form for MR, explain where I think I could have gotten more points and why, and send it? Thank you so much

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,087 Championing

    You can just write a letter rather than fill out a form.

  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 4,363 Online Community Specialist

    @ginuvine as Poppy states there is no form for Mandatory Reconsiderations. You just write out a letter to the DWP requesting one, and stating where and why you think you should have scored points that they did not give.

  • ginuvine
    ginuvine Community member Posts: 8 Listener

    Ok thank you so much