LIVEDANDLEARNED Online Community Member Posts: 128 Empowering

I don’t need anyone to reply, I’m just letting off stress. I literally am so drained by waiting to see what happens with PIP, LWCRA & UC, all which I get. Getting PIP was one of the most hellish experiences and I’m still traumatised to this day and it runs out next summer, then I’ll have another assessment.. well I’m meant to. I’d assumed Liz Kendal would be having an ongoing relationship with charities, with her ideas and strategies, instead I feel like a lamb to the slaughter as she decides to make a hellish experience even worse. I try to picture how I’d cope without that money, how it pays for things that can be so different day to day, with a chronic and fluctuating condition like Multiple Sclerosis, how I only just have enough as it is. It’s causing me so much anxiety. Why can’t Liz share her thoughts so we have some idea. This voucher idea, or claiming with receipts is just hellish and leaves us with no dignity whatsoever and is yet another thing to have to understand & remember. I know the media speculate, but out of her own mouth she’s said things that concern me. I wish we had an advocate who would put us out of our misery, get some answers and stick up for us. I just feel that something harsh is coming our way. I want to think she’ll be understanding but ultimately she wants to cut the bill.


  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 5,008 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    It's always helpful to get things off your chest @LIVEDANDLEARNED, I hope writing this has helped you feel a little more at ease. It's not a nice time at the moment with all the speculation around, but hopefully we'll know more in the Autumn. I know that saying that doesn't make anything feel easier at all, but whatever happens we'll be here. Feel free to rant if you need to ❤️

  • ricky1040
    ricky1040 Online Community Member Posts: 168 Empowering

    I found myself getting anxious about it also. But I have really been forcing myself to stop when thinking about it. I'll worry when or if it happens. I do get the feeling it won't be as bad as it would had the Tories stayed on tho.

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,699 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    It can be so hard to keep your head on straight with all the rumours floating around cant it @ricky1040 ? Though you're doing good to try not to think about it all. We aren't mind readers, so none of us really know what will happen, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for everyone that it wont be anything too nasty.

    I hope you're feeling a bit brighter now @LIVEDANDLEARNED as Rosie said, better out than in is usually the best way. And we're all here for support if you need us. ❤️

  • ricky1040
    ricky1040 Online Community Member Posts: 168 Empowering

    @Albus_Scope yea it's all been a bit crazy. But it's outside of my control so no pint in me worrying. IV enough in my control to deal with ATM lol