Pip assessment yesterday

Gmcc103 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
edited September 2024 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA

H new here I applied for pip in early July and received a couple of texts nothing else until yesterday I was phoned by a pip assessor out of the blue saying she received an in depth report from my go and just needed to ask a few questions and then she'd send the report off first question is this normal practice? I was taken totally unaware but answered all the questions she asked I have to say she was very understanding and helpful but keep asking same question about going out on my own and I said I wouldn't go anywhere without someone with me but she asked if through some situation I was in town on my own how would I react i explained I'd have a panic attack and sit down then phone someone to take me home I felt it was a trick question and she kept asking it. then she keep asking a few times that I could go out on as long as I had support i.e someone with me, would I be marked down for this? I found the whole thing unexpected and truatmatisiing esp afterwards as I've had mental health now expecting a negative decision because there was no arrangement for a full assessment just a 20 min phone call out of blue


  • Lauren29
    Lauren29 Online Community Member Posts: 44 Contributor

    This sounds as if it was a paper based assessment as if it had been a telephone assessment
    they have to give you at least 7 days notice. Also the phone call was very short and the questions all seem to have been about planning and following a journey.I have supported a couple of people to apply for PIP and they have received a call out of the blue from an assessor who asked them about one or two of the PIP activities. In both cases the assessor explained that they had a lot of detailed information and just needed to check one or two points. I would try not to worry as in the cases of the people I supported they were successful.

  • Gmcc103
    Gmcc103 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    Thanks Lauren you where right my support worker rang pip/capita and they advised its a paper based assessment and has been completed just have to wait now hope it's a positive outcome thank you for your advice G

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 4,896 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @Gmcc103, it looks like you've already had an answer to your main question, but I just wanted to say a quick hello and welcome you to the community 😊 Fingers crossed for a positive outcome! Keep us posted with how you get on.