Morphine patches

ricky1040 Community member Posts: 158 Empowering

Hey all. I am today being switched from cocodamol and naproxen to 10mg morphine patches. Has anyone one else used these and how's it worked for you?



  • juneio
    juneio Community member Posts: 1 Listener

    Hi am on morphine patches started them 2 years ago now , I started on 10mg and still felt pain my gp then put me on 20mg which works for me , I apply it on my lower back and change it every seven days alternating left to right , I find it really helpfull for me as nothing else worked for years . I did had to wait a few days once without the patch and as my script was not ready at chemist , I started having restless legs at night and pain I felt like it was a bit of withdrawal symptoms with having no patch for a few days .

    I couldn't do without the patches they really do the trick .good luck I hope it works for you .

  • JonnycJonny
    JonnycJonny Scope Member Posts: 167 Empowering

    I do not know what type of pain you suffer from but if it is neuropathic in origin - nasty dysesthesia sensations, allodynia - then I have found morphine patches to be completely ineffective. That is not to say they won't be effective for you. Typically if you do a little research opioid based medications are poor at treating this kind of pain. Though of course you may find academic papers saying the contrary.

    I use Gabapentin / Nortriptyline / Valium plus Lidocaine plasters to combat my ever present discomfort.

    Best wishes

  • onedayatatime
    onedayatatime Community member Posts: 213 Empowering

    Hello @ricky1040 Can I ask how you have been on these patches? Have you found them beneficial and could I kindly ask why you have been prescribed them? I've been on codeine 30mg x 8 a day with naproxen 2 per day as well as diazepam and gabapentin for degenerative conditions in my lumbar spine. My GP has suggested trying Butec patches and I'm considering the option. I'd be interested to hear your experience switching over to them.

  • ricky1040
    ricky1040 Community member Posts: 158 Empowering

    I wasn't aware untill a few days ago but Im not allowed to give medical advice. So I can't say if they are good or bad. But I was taking exactly what you are taking. For a very similar condition. The reason they told me they wanted to move me was because the other medicines where addictive. And short fixes. As in I would get a couple hours of reduced pain then back to square one. However the patches are not just as addictive and strong enough to help with my pain and they last all week.

    I have been on mine for 4 days I think now and it's working for me after about 48 hours it seemed to start. . But that's not to say it will for everyone. And I am not able to say either way.

  • ricky1040
    ricky1040 Community member Posts: 158 Empowering

    Hey I am trying to put the words together to answer you. Don't think my above answer did a good job so....

    I was on a very similar set of drugs to you and for issues with chronic pain originating from my back. I was on these medications for a long time.

    After things becoming increasingly severe. I have been in hospital 3 times in past few weeks.

    The drugs I was on where not particularly effective for me. And my quality of life had diminished badly.

    So the hospital doc. Not my GP told me that the meds I was on should never have been a long term solution as they are highly addictive and short fixes. As in I'd maybe get a few hours where pain reduced from 8/10 to 6/10. No

    However when I had go hospital. My pain had risen to 10/10. Worst pain I've ever felt. And I was having urinary incontinence issues also.

    So the hospital put me on the patches. Replacing the others. And I was warned it would take a few days to take effect so in those few days IV continued gaba and diazapan. But now they have kicked in and for me it's been a game changer. My pain is now about 2/3 out of ten. And I feel a lot better. I get v sleepy. But not ridiculously so and it passes. No other side effects this far.

    Once I have my MRI Monday they will discuss further if I need to go any surgical route. But that's obvious yet to be decided.

    I cannot give you medical advice on here due to scope guidelines. And the medication I'm on won't necessarily work the same for everyone. I would discuss it with your medical team and take there advice.

    One thing I will say tho is that I was in despair. And losing hope. Now I am feeling like life isn't over for me and I have a renewed fight in me.


  • onedayatatime
    onedayatatime Community member Posts: 213 Empowering

    @ricky1040 thank you for sharing your experience, I did find it very helpful.

    I have been on this combination of medication for several years, with dosages gradually being increased. It has reached the point where pain relief is only somewhat affective and only lasts for 2 to 3 hours max. My GP suggested trying these patches as an alternative.

    I have had epidural steroid injections, nerve blocks as well as microdiscectomy/nerve decompression surgery but there has been no significant difference to my pain. My life has drastically been effected and I have also reached a point of feeling beyond hope now, especially as surgery has not produced the outcome i really hoped for.

    I do try to be a very positive person and have done what I can to adjust to changes, accept my limitations and manage. But right now , I just want and need a let up from pain. I'm exhausted from it.

    I am going to talk to my GP next week and discuss these patches with them and their suitability for long term chronic pain. I had declined them previously as I had hoped surgery was going to resolve some pain issues.

    Thank you again for sharing your experience.

  • ricky1040
    ricky1040 Community member Posts: 158 Empowering

    @onedayatatime . It's very early days for me on the patches. It's only been a week but my pain levels have drastically decreased. Day my day I'm coming off everything else. And as.of tomorrow I'll just be on the patches. Pain level are the lowest they have been in years. I am also sleeping better than I have In years. Had my MRI today and await results to see if there is a more permenant safe solution. But in the meantime time I'm just so pleased to not feel. As u put it. "beyond hope". Because like u I tried so hard to be positive but I was so so close to giving up. I now have renewed fight. So I can't tell you what to do but I hope whatever you do you fight and don't give up. U got this

  • Wibbles
    Wibbles Community member Posts: 2,003 Trailblazing
    edited September 17

    I would be interested to hear from anyone who's tried Morphine patches as well as Liquid morphine - because I tried Liquid morphine and didn't like the side effects - mainly constipation (do you still get constipation with patches ?) - also the Morphine really didn't take my spine and shoulder pain away as well as Codeine (I am now back on Codeine 30mg *2 - 4 times per day)