LCWRA Confusion

GeorgeF83 Community member Posts: 2 Listener


my partner has been awarded LCWRA the last few days, she is seriously poorly with mental health, she first started sending sick notes to uni credit back in May, which is when she stopped working and has been off work since. I also had to leave my job in July so I could care for her day and night. We are just a bit confused about the 3 months thing regarding payments.. will my partners first LCWRA payment be 3 months from the date the letter came through, or will it be from back in May when she first started sending proof and fit notes to universal credit.. sorry, just a bit unsure.. and also with my partner being unable to work since May and sending proof since May, would that mean any back payment from May time

any help or advice would be greatly appreciated

many thanks


  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Community member Posts: 2,980 Championing


    It depends on the exact dates of your partners assessment periods and the date that they put the first fit note in.

    As a rough guide, it should be 3 full assessment periods without LCWRA, so that could be May/June, June/July, July/August.

    Then LCWRA will be added to the 4th payment period - which could be August/September. Then the actual payment will be in the bank around a week after the end of that period, so it's likely to be paid towards the end of September in this example.

    It is possible that it may not be paid for another month depending on the exact dates mentioned above though. I hope that makes sense.

    There is no backdating because that first 3 months is not paid to anyone when starting LCWRA.