What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander?



  • vikki66
    vikki66 Posts: 209 Connected

    @michael57 - my friend asked me to go to a documentary called “Cow” maybe about two years ago. I knew nothing about dairy farming, and I was kinda upset watching it - by the fact that the cows had so many calves, and also the bullet in the head. I wasn’t upset enough to give up my extra-mature cheddar, Greek yoghurt, or ice-cream, though.

    Looked like a tough job, can’t imagine any young lad I know being up to it. I don’t mean all young ones, just the ones I know.

  • michael57
    michael57 Community member Posts: 476 Pioneering

    not blowing my own trumpet but i was very good at herd management and was sort after for doing clean up jobs for farmers with herd problems it sure is a tad different this modern farming all about making as much money for as little input as possible i myself am a veggie i eat cheese no milk eggs or meat since i was 5 simple man with simple tastes apart from my dawnie she is a little angel be better tomorrow when she is out and i can get up to the things i should not be doing outside haha

  • vikki66
    vikki66 Posts: 209 Connected

    I find any animals that size terrifying, I must admit - just one, not a herd🤣

    My old neighbour had a lovely collie, the most amazing, sensitive, dog I ever met, she was adopted after her working life was at an end (though she lived years after that). She could read everybody, knew who wasn’t feeling well, or who was trouble. Mind you that was the only collie I knew well, so maybe that’s just the breed?

  • michael57
    michael57 Community member Posts: 476 Pioneering

    cows are like most animals treat them with respect and you will earn there respect i had a blue merle collie years ago that would go get the cows in on her own if she never came back with them i had to go see what was up she would not come back and leave one funny how i can remember things long ago but my short term memory is not good thats why i am a cheeky happy chappie and dont let things faze or get to me

  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,363 Championing

    I just think it's an idea to get to know other members of any forum first @vikki66 - & here also to read all of a post a couple of times to get the gist of it. I'm slow to type, so hadn't realised that a member of the Scope team had already replied, who realised that there never had been any ill intent. I haven't always agreed with @WhatThe as they know - but I defend my right to support them when I know they've done nothing wrong. As for @michael57 - you couldn't meet a nicer person (& yes, he does have a very gentle, but great sense of humour). WhatThe asked kindly after him knowing he has a visual impairment.

    I honestly thought that I was explaining that WhatThe had taken the michael, so micky out of a previous post referring to michael57; nothing more, nothing less, so wondered why you'd taken umbrage.

    About me mentioning my son was said by his neuropsychologist to be 'next door to the autistic spectrum,'I just say it how it is; I'm completely honest, & have mentioned this before on the forum several times. I am sorry this caused you upset, but don't know why. Of course I don't know everything about autism because of this, but it does give me an inkling about the problems it causes, as I tried to intimate to Cantilip. Also having a neighbour on the autistic spectrum caused you to say, so I had '2 next door experiences of this.' You judged me in some way because of this….you appeared to judge others as not genuine or compassionate, & I will support them too knowing that's completely incorrect.

    On the offended thread, I only replied as I was concerned about Catherine, & I wasn't trying to hush her, nor were others. I do worry about any misinformation on the community as I feel it can be harmful, & not just about political content.

    We all get along great, as I hope you're finding. I hope you get to know me a little better (I'm not as bad as you think), & I you. Perhaps a fresh start?

  • egister
    egister Posts: 274 Empowering

    Tempest in a teapot

  • michael57
    michael57 Community member Posts: 476 Pioneering

    troy tempest sprung to my mind in stingray with his mermaid side kick marina 😁

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Community member, Scope Member Posts: 1,875 Championing

    egister, I had to look up that idiom too! Are you American by any chance? I'm more familiar with storm in a teacup.

  • egister
    egister Posts: 274 Empowering

    On the forum, people come from different countries and continents, my example shows this as one of the reasons for misunderstanding among interlocutors. And the flaws of moderation. Don't get angry at the cultural characteristics of your interlocutors).

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Community member, Scope Member Posts: 1,875 Championing

    Huh? It was a simple question which you haven't answered but never mind.

  • egister
    egister Posts: 274 Empowering