qwertyqwerty Online Community Member Posts: 38 Connected

Hi, if somebody is in receipt of ESA Support Group. How does this work with UC?

I’m trying to do the benefit calculators and I thought that ESA support group meant that the limited capability for work element would be added on to the calculator but it says £0.00 on the working out.

I was trying to figure out what to expect for the first payment but it’s all so confusing to me.




  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,797 Championing
    edited September 2024


    The benefit calculators aren't always accurate for migrating.

    As you're in the Support Group you will get the LCWRA element added from the start of your claim.

    However, sometimes it takes ESA a few weeks to send the info across to UC, so the very first UC payment may not include LCWRA. It will be backdated if that happens.

    Please be aware there is a big difference between LCW and LCWRA. LCW is indeed £0 now. LCWRA is £416.19.

  • qwertyqwerty
    qwertyqwerty Online Community Member Posts: 38 Connected

    Is it likely that we may have the LCWRA component added but recieve £0.00?

    Working out the amounts seem pretty easy for the children, dla payments, carers etc but then soon as I get to the ESA it’s really thrown me. I was trying to get a rough estimate of what to expect due to having to make sure I can afford everything in the first payment

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    No, you would not receive zero when the LCWRA element is included. Your UC will include standard allowance, LCWRA element, child elements, disabled child elements, (depending on how many children on your claim) housing element. (if you rent your home)

    The only issue would be if the person caring is the same person that has LCWRA because the same person can't receive both elements at the same time. However, Transitional Protection will make sure you're not worse off when you migrate across.

    Benefit calculators do take into consideration TP but you need to make sure you put in all the correct information because otherwise you won't receive the correct calculation.

  • qwertyqwerty
    qwertyqwerty Online Community Member Posts: 38 Connected

    is there any chance somebody could give me a little idea on what to expect

    3 children (only qualify for 2)

    child 1 - dla (hrc&lrm)
    child 2 dla (mrc&lrm)

    I am on carers for eldest child

    partner on ESA support group

    I know the calculators don’t do the TP but when I look at the breakdown it doesn’t show the limited capability part it says £0.00 next to it

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    If you are ticking the box which say Limited capability for work (LCW) that will be why it says zero because there would be no extra money for that if your claim started after April 2017. There's only extra money for LCWRA element, which is Support Group.

    You need to make sure you're putting in all the correct information.

    Your UC will include the following…

    standard couples allowance

    LCWRA element

    Carers element

    2 child elements (1 higher element if eldest child born before 6th April 2017, 1 lower element for other child)

    1 higher disabled child element

    1 lower disabled child element

    housing element, if renting

    There will also be a deduction for the carers allowance because it's deducted in full.

    I won't give the figures because I don't want to give the wrong impression by making you think you'll be worse off, when you won't be on point of migration. The exact figures of your entitlement will depend on the figures for your current benefits when you migrate.

  • qwertyqwerty
    qwertyqwerty Online Community Member Posts: 38 Connected

    Just out of curiosity. Is it normal for someone in the Support Group to then have to have a “First Commitments” meeting (the journal still says it’s for a work search or something)? I did say I thought ESA would follow on but I was told “yes it does but we still need to do meetings.”

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,797 Championing

    Yes, it is normal to accept commitments for everyone that starts a UC claim regardless of migrating from legacy benefits.

    But you shouldn't be asked to do any work searches and you do not need to provide a fit note as you were in the Support Group. It is just to commit to checking the journal regularly and notifying UC of any change in circumstances as soon as possible.

  • qwertyqwerty
    qwertyqwerty Online Community Member Posts: 38 Connected

    she said that it would be to see what he’s “capable of doing” - her words

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,797 Championing

    No, that's not correct then.

    As they were in receipt of ESA Support Group that is not required at all.

    Unfortunately many of the staff still don't seem to understand how the migrations work.

  • Ala
    Ala Online Community Member Posts: 37 Connected

    "to commit to checking the journal regularly"

    Is there a way to avoid even that? That would make me really sick!

    Just have had to much bad experience with the DWP. Turns my stomach. Their lies gave me sort of PTSD.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    No but you should either have a text message or email if there’s a message on your journal.

    If you’ve been found to have LCWRA there should be no need to send you any messages other than when it’s time for your next review. My daughters last message on her journal was July 2021 and she has LCWRA.

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,886 Championing

    I get LCWRA and my journal has been a bit busier.

    Eight messages this year.

    Two related to annual rent increase.

    One related to a Cold Weather Payment.

    One asking me to re confirm my contact details.

    Four related to me getting ESA.

    I also had a Compliance Check about a year ago.

  • Ala
    Ala Online Community Member Posts: 37 Connected

    Thank you!

    Now, another worry. Will they no longer send us paper letter in regards to any future review?

    I just have realised, all they are putting us through, is a social engineering, clearly preplanned mental torture for the Disabled masses.

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,886 Championing

    A digital message will be put on your journal confirming the WCA process has been triggered.

    A paper UC50 form will then arrive in the post.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    Many people find UC so much easier because everything is done through your journal. This means no dreaded waiting in the queue when you need to contact them and no music to listen to.

  • qwertyqwerty
    qwertyqwerty Online Community Member Posts: 38 Connected

    when I asked what she meant about this, she then said “well incapable of doing in his case”

  • qwertyqwerty
    qwertyqwerty Online Community Member Posts: 38 Connected

    is there anything that can be done in order not to do this “First Commitment” meeting

    as I said. When I asked her what it was for she said it was to see what he is capable or incapable of doing… but surely that was why he had a proper assessment for ESA?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    No, the appointment is part of the claims process. If you can't attend in person you can ask for a reasonable adjustment for a telephone appointment.

  • qwertyqwerty
    qwertyqwerty Online Community Member Posts: 38 Connected

    yes, they’ve done a telephone appt and said I should be able to speak on my partners behalf so hopefully they will let me

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,797 Championing

    Everyone has to agree to it. But you don't actually have to do it in real life. It's basically just a tick box exercise with DWP moving responsibility onto us. So if we miss something in the journal there is no question over who's fault that is.

    I can't check emails or the journal regularly myself either. But so far haven't had any problems doing it as & when I'm able. The only close one was the commitments agreement. Mine was done online, but there was a 7 day limit on it. I got to it on the 5th day.