LIVEDANDLEARNED Online Community Member Posts: 134 Empowering

I don’t know what is going to happen in the autumn budget, I’m as worried as anyone about it, but the more I see of Stephen Timms I realise he’s a good guy who really fights for disabled people. Obviously he can’t make all the decisions himself, I’d feel more confident if he did, he’s a good man. I was heartbroken to hear he’d been stabbed by a constituent many years ago, he’s lucky to be alive. So I hope people never talk to him aggressively, in person or in writing, no matter how passionate they may be about something. He’s a Christian with good morals and many in his own area have said he’s always fighting for them. Here’s a video you may want to watch:


  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,636 Championing

    Yes I've heard many good things about him respect to him

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 9,325 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    He's been to visit Scope HQ already and apparently really seemed to listen and wanted to learn more. 😊 Though I don't envy him, he's got a very difficult job and I know whatever they decide, they wont be able to please everyone.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,636 Championing

    How do ypu cope feels like immense pressure want constant reassurance I used to be fearless now I'm scared of own shadow wondering how people cope

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 9,325 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    It's taken a lot of practice and mindfulness, but it's possible to get that anxiety at bay! One question I always try to ask myself is "yes, this makes me nervous, but can I do anything to change it?"
    If the answer is no, then I try to think about other things that I can change. Even if it's something silly like doing some hoovering.

    If the answer is yes, then I'll do something to change the situation and the anxiety goes away. 😊

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,636 Championing

    Yes your right when I talk to my daughter she's like mum I'm the same I don't know if I lose my job I've got a mortgage bills as well she was right it's not just you it's millions in and out of work who are suffering change your mindset once you learn to have a hold of your thoughts and not care as much your be free to have some sort of life I have to start listening when your fearful all common sense or rational thoughts go out the window the only way is to go through it so to me and to everyone on here let's try and keep ourselves grounded then we will be able to deal with UC and whatever the future holds as nightcity kindly sent breakdown of all laws have to go through to change benefits gives us time to gather our thoughts

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 9,325 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    When you're already an anxious person, times like these really don't help! But you're right about changing the mindset, it IS possible with a lot of work and practice. I'd not be able to do this job if I hadn't really worked on my anxiety over the past few years and we're all here to support you. 😊

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,366 Championing

    Agreed he is a very compassionate kind man.

    It's Starmer, Reeve's and Kendall that concerns me. It's like a lucky dip where you end up with a rattlesnake

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,636 Championing

    I did same with sunak turn tv over couldn't stand hearing him and starmer lips don't even move when he speaks reeves puts shivers down my spine and kendell as well