The countdown is on! World CP Day 2024

Richard_Scope Posts: 3,708 Cerebral Palsy Network

The countdown is on!

There are now just ten days to go until we celebrate World Cerebral Palsy Day on Sunday 6 October 2024!

Every year, 6 October is an opportunity to come together in a global day of action and celebrate the resilience, diversity and vibrancy of people with CP.

In 2024, the theme of World CP Day is #UniquelyCP - empower people with CP, family members and supporters to share stories about their achievements and passions – how CP makes each of us unique.

Ideas to celebrate World CP Day

  • Go Green for CP: wear green clothing to raise awareness of CP
  • Host an Event: Invite friends and family/community
  • Get Advocating: Got an issue? Use World CP Day and the hashtag #UniquelyCP to make some noise!!