Job coaches for mentally ill in hospital settings - BBC



  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,499 Pioneering

    Oh I understand was OK then bam you feel your body closing down so sorry for us all want budget to come but also to scared unbearable big hugs

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,499 Pioneering

    I'm on phone to esa I bet they can't tell me anything do you have anyone to speak to when I'm like this I can't talk to family friends it makes me worse I literally isolate well i do anyway like you I have to go to bed and worry this is cruel

  • MissMel
    MissMel Community member Posts: 94 Empowering

    Please forgive me all for mentioning something you'd all rather forget, but do you all remember Esther McVey? I know, apologises once again. She was in Liz's position, was awful and she went in less than a year, months in fact and so will this one. Liz's departure will be a way of softening the blow. Believe me, it's all pre orchestrated and even Liz doesn't know it.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,499 Pioneering

    What do you mean sorry don't understand what liz will go but will policy's stay

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,499 Pioneering

    I don't care about cutting my money just as long as I don't have to work because I won't be able work so rather something than noting

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,499 Pioneering

    Not even allowed to rent out a room and most of us are on. Our own so no support awful

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Community member Posts: 1,233 Trailblazing

    well I remember.mcvile, and a reminder is ok if you think Kendall will be out, we did have a tsunami of ministers under the Tories.

    used to joke only 3 more dwp ministers till Christmas.

  • JasonRA
    JasonRA Community member Posts: 64 Empowering

    Someone posted this which I found interesting. Are we being gaslit into believing that the number of "sick" people has grown exponentially?

    I quote below from the site.

    I emphasize two figures which reveal in 2008/09 the working age percentage who were in receipt of all incapacity benefits was 6.8% and the latest figure for 2023/24 was 6.82%. 

    In short there is no dramatic increase at all and we are being lied to by government – with this lie being perpetuated and disseminated by lazy journalists. 

    An increase of 0.02% over 15 years is no rationale or justification for blaming ‘the sick.’

    Today sees the Times on its front page and the Financial Times in an article declaring this dramatic increase that simply does not exist.  Every other media outlet whether TV, radio, online or print based has stated repeatedly this same alleged ‘dramatic’ increase over the past few weeks on the tell a lie often enough and people believe it to be true basis and nobody could be arsed to check the facts!

    What scrutiny do the electorate or journalists give to government if they allow any government to use wholly bogus premises for their assertions, intentions and pledges?  Is it any wonder that the lazy electorate is constantly bemoaning there is no difference between Labour and the Tories and becoming disaffected? 

    Making those who are sick the scapegoat is offensive yet is only allowed because of sheer laziness of the electorate believing it and believing the incredibly lazy media and journalist!

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,499 Pioneering

    We should all email goverment saying this is damaging our mental health more and how many more people pushed to the edge we need to fight back have our voices heard if hundreds of us emailed they'd have to hear us instead they love us divided let's do it I

  • ElizaRose
    ElizaRose Community member Posts: 42 Contributor

    My family don't understand any of this or my disabilities. Don't really have anyone to talk to or any support. I have lots of personal problems anyway and all this extra just sends me over the edge. The anxiety just makes all my physical problems and ptsd attacks worse. I tend to isolate myself too. Justwant to be as small as possible and not exist anymore. So tired of it all.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,499 Pioneering

    It is exhausting sick thing is they want this !! They know the psychology effect this having we are being bullied degraded called all kinds of names worklessness all manner oh sick note Britain that took me down everyday do something little could be making cup of tea brushing your hair small steps make sure your eating and drinking these are the things I tend to do I don't eat trapped for hours in my head be hours before have any water it's almost like a punishment house mess I don't get changed terrified in my bed give yourself time and work up to sitting in front room it's so hard to come out of the pure fear mode god when I was younger I was fearless lived my life not worrying I need to find this person we got this no choice under this cruel inhumane system don't let them beat us down want to swear but can't x

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Community member Posts: 1,233 Trailblazing

    you have us always! all together in the same boat, it's tedious fighting these clowns I know, there's a limit to how far they can push

  • MissMel
    MissMel Community member Posts: 94 Empowering

    @JasonRA Wot! Made up statistics? Are you suggesting that governments are capable of lying to us, the people? That there are non investigative journalists that just publish government lies? No, no, it can't be. People in government are all honourable gentlemen and ladies.😏 They are totally incapable of such things. They would never, ever lie to us.

    How can you suggest such a thing???!!!!

    ……..For the record, I am awaiting delivery of my medications.😉

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Community member, Scope Member Posts: 2,098 Championing


  • ElizaRose
    ElizaRose Community member Posts: 42 Contributor

    I just feel I have no more fight or defences left. I worked so hard all my life before this. It's so exhausting. As you say, even eating, drinking, basic day to day stuff is too much.

  • ElizaRose
    ElizaRose Community member Posts: 42 Contributor

    Yes, I know. I am very grateful for all of you being there otherwise I would be completely isolated. This forum is like a chink of light in the overwhelming darkness.

  • ElizaRose
    ElizaRose Community member Posts: 42 Contributor

    Yes, I know. I am very grateful for all of you being there otherwise I would be completely isolated. This forum is like a chink of light in the overwhelming darkness.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,499 Pioneering

    I understand we have been bullied beaten for years I noticed it more with sunak and everyday from then it's hard to get up as nightcity said wa are here for you there's a lady called Ellen clifford to court over wca change so and when labour mention changes we will have someone fighting our corner no one would understand if they never suffered take one-day at a time one hour at a time living on fight and flight is exhausting go with your body sleep if you need to sleep don't beat yourself up sometimes when we feel threatened we shut down my go to is baths can have 4 a day when stressed i really hope this lifts and you can get some peace x

  • MissMel
    MissMel Community member Posts: 94 Empowering
    edited 15:06

    As some intellectual said, either on this website or another one, they have already saved billions. He cited the 3-month LCWRA rule, i.e., new or existing UC claimants can’t get their disability element for 3 months after migrating, that means they are saving around £1,200 per former ESA claimant and UC claimant who needs it and will save A LOT more when the ESA to UC migration gets well underway next year.

    Also, the TP, transitional payment is only for 12 months after that, nil, zero. I am getting a top up in the hundreds to make up for the difference between what I was getting on Working Tax Credit and what I will lose on UC. That will save the treasury over £2-3,000 a year! A lot of people aren’t being made aware of this and will be when it kicks in. Also after 12 months on UC, the work coaches get rougher!

    They have already cut billions to the benefits bill and especially the disability benefits bill and in a very sly underhand way and a lot of people haven’t even noticed because it hasn’t affected them yet.

    I am not sure about this, so perhaps someone can confirm, only one person in a couple can get the LCWRA payment, is that a change? Could both people claim it before? And others have been talking bout the disability element payment from Housing benefit being removed. Others are talking about losing their allowance for their extra room. The amount we have to earn and the number of hours has increased per month. And penalties have been introduced if you don't earn enough, i.e., having your benefits being deducted as if you are earning enough.

    I am sure there are other ways they have saved and are saving money, right under our noses. Okay some of it does not apply to disabled claimants but they are definitely saving money all round under the Tory changes to the system. Not forgetting cutting the £300 winter fuel allowance to all pensioners.

    All these clickbait headlines are there to distract us from what is really going on.

    Just remembered, they changed it around 2017/2018 that new claimants getting LCW didn't get an additional payment and only old LCW claimants could. This has been happening for years now.

  • ElizaRose
    ElizaRose Community member Posts: 42 Contributor

    Baths used to be my go to anti-stress device, especially with Epsom Salts, but I struggle to get in and out of it these days so now even that has become just another thing to be overcome. I didn't know about Ellen Clifford. What an amazing woman, taking on the government like that. At least there are a few chinks of light here and there. I hope you are okay x