Abik789 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener

Hi, a few years ago (2018 I think) I was placed in the support group for ESA (income related). I was advised to make a joint claim and my partner (now husband since 2022) claimed carers allowance. I also receive pip.

We’ve received the migration letter to move to UC but I’m worried. When we originally claimed my partner was healthy and had given up work to care for me & our little girl.
Since then he’s received a diagnosis of Functional Neurological Disorder (FND).
This can affect him in a number of ways including loss of speech, involuntary movements, can greatly affect his mobility and independence. Episodes of this can last a short time (1-2 hours) or even a few days at a time, then he’ll have good days. It massively fluctuates and is unpredictable. He still fulfils the carer criteria when he’s well. He’s suspected to have ASD but nothing has ever been assessed in an official capacity.

We’re migrating to UC & I’m not sure if disclosing his FND will trigger a work related assessment for him and all that comes with it, which could greatly exacerbate his symptoms. Does it mean disclosing this will mean we have to move from a joint claim to 2 separate esa claims. I’m not sure how this works and had a lot of help when initially claiming as I struggle with all the admin side of things and not sure what to put or do/say for the best. I don’t want to omit if it’s classed as lying, not sure what to do.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    The migration notice you've received means that your Income Related ESA and Tax credits if you're claiming this are ending. For this reason you will not be asked to make separate claims for ESA.

    As your partner is claiming carers allowance they will need to report being a carer when you claim UC. Your UC will then include carers element. As a carer your partner will have no work commitments.

    They do not need to report any health conditions, if they don't want to. If they did report health conditions and provide fit notes, even if they are found to have LCWRA after the work capability assessment they will not receive any extra money in your UC. This because you'll be entitled to the LCWRA element for yourself because you are in the Support Group for ESA and you can only receive one LCWRA element per claim.

    Once you submit your claim for UC your Income Related ESA and housing benefit, if you claim that will end 2 weeks later.

    Your partners carers allowance will be deducted in full from any UC entitlement. Payments for CA will continue to be separately.

    Child benefit, if claiming this will also continue as normal.

    When you are ready to claim UC you will both need to start a claim and one of you will receive a linking code to join both claims together.

    I hope this helps. If you need further information please just ask.

  • Rustynail12
    Rustynail12 Online Community Member Posts: 16 Listener
  • Rustynail12
    Rustynail12 Online Community Member Posts: 16 Listener
    edited December 2024

    Can someone give me dome advice please I'm not on universal credit yet I'm due to migrate in 3 weeks . I've let someone claim carers allowance for my child . I received a letter today saying I have now lost my severe dissability premium.

    I contacted Citizens advice before allowing them to claim and they aaid I wouldn't loose anything is this a mistake or is this right kind regards

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing