Single parent with illness. Hard times.

LongTallSally66 Online Community Member Posts: 105 Connected
edited January 11 in Families and carers


  • Bluebell21
    Bluebell21 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 9,990 Championing

    Hi @LongTallSally66 Welcome to the Community. I hope you enjoy your time on the forum. Any questions just ask.

    Take care.

  • Mary_Scope
    Mary_Scope Posts: 1,092 Scope Online Community Children and Family Specialists

    Hi @LongTallSally66 and welcome to the community!

    The Coffee Lounge is a nice place to chat to other members or if you like fun, easy games you may enjoy the Games Den

    Please reach out if you need any help, we are a friendly bunch who will do our best to support you!

  • Holly_Scope
    Holly_Scope Posts: 1,640 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    @LongTallSally66 Welcome Sally! I'm new to the community too so you're not alone! 😊

    I hope you enjoy your time on the forum!

  • LongTallSally66
    LongTallSally66 Online Community Member Posts: 105 Connected

    Single parent with a 6 year old ,i have been housebound with multilevel degenerative lumbar disc disease for the past 7 months ,Having problems with school no longer able to support us on helping getting my child to school ,So much stress and worry I don't need .. also benefits are all changing over to universal credits which has been an added stress dealing with it all my own has been awful .. but managed eventually. Inner strength getting us through day by day along with a therapist helping me to be able to walk again. I so long to be able to do things with my child again.

  • LongTallSally66
    LongTallSally66 Online Community Member Posts: 105 Connected

    I don't no if I'm commenting in the right places . I'll keep reading everything until I'm used to it all. Great to know there's others out there to speak too though,thanks for saying hello to me !

  • LongTallSally66
    LongTallSally66 Online Community Member Posts: 105 Connected

    Single parent with a 6 year old ,i have been housebound with multilevel degenerative lumbar disc disease for the past 7 months ,Having problems with school no longer able to support us on helping getting my child to school ,So much stress and worry I don't need .. also benefits are all changing over to universal credits which has been an added stress dealing with it all my own has been awful .. but managed eventually. Inner strength getting us through day by day along with a therapist helping me to be able to walk again. I so long to be able to do things with my child again

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 62,492 Championing

    Hi @LongTallSally66 I feel your pain I have degenerative disc disease and know it's painful and limiting. Welcome to the forum

  • Holly_Scope
    Holly_Scope Posts: 1,640 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @LongTallSally66 Don't worry, I can see you've created a post. What I'll do, I'll pull the comments on this post to the new one so they're all together and we'll go from there. 😊

    Hope this helps.


  • Holly_Scope
    Holly_Scope Posts: 1,640 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    All done. Hope what I've done makes sense when looking at it now @LongTallSally66

  • Holly_Scope
    Holly_Scope Posts: 1,640 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    I've just had a look at your post @LongTallSally66 I'm so sorry to hear this. It's clear you've got a huge amount on your shoulders and doing your absolute best to look after everybody else.

    Remember, you're a super hero parent and you also need to take some time to care of you. ❤️

    Do you have family members that offer support. It's a lot for one person to manage alone in any circumstance, let alone all the additional things you have to consider. Is there anything you want me to look into a little more to see if I can point you in the direction of the best place for support?

    All the best,


  • Morgan_Scope
    Morgan_Scope Posts: 782 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hello @LongTallSally66. Have your child's school explained why they are no longer able to support with getting your child to school and have you looked to see if there is possibly an appeals process?

  • LongTallSally66
    LongTallSally66 Online Community Member Posts: 105 Connected

    Hi ,thanks for replying, school says they've provided substantial support which they have done for the past couple if months had a teacher picking my son up and bringing him home . But this ends after Xmas.they feel it's up to me now to arrange it. I rely on my friend a mum from school which is pregnant has a wee girl and 2 boys ,she's got her hands full but still collects my son and brings him home on the days the teacher doesn't. I reached out to family and children support /social care and they can't help with pickups %drop offs either.. It is what it is. I've applied for a taxi card which provides a small discount on travel so that's my plan after Xmas to get my boy to and from school, going to be expensive but I've got to try my best to be able to do that. I've explained to the school some days I maybe nit be able to get out as I have good and bad days where I just can't move.. I do have my mum but she works full time ,school asked about her helping out but her days of land on weekend so that's not an option. By all means if she gets a week day off she does collect my boy ,we do our best between the 3 of us. But it would be a good time for us having a support worker or something but I'm strong/stubborn and just make the best of my situation. I've missed the whole of my boy starting P2 and now we are at the end of the year . This illness is horrid.i just want my leg to regain feeling so I can throw these crutches away and walk my son to school myself . All I hear is it will happen just gonna take time..time time time.. that's nearly me 7 months with this condition ,I so miss being the fit active mum 😢

  • Holly_Scope
    Holly_Scope Posts: 1,640 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @LongTallSally66 I hope you're feeling ok today?

    I feel for you so much - you're clearly trying all avenues to try to find a work around to make this happen which is amazing, but also must be so draining and not what you need to be worrying about whilst working on your recovery.

    As I'm sure you're already aware much of the information on the schools obligations easily available is focused on other types of scenarios. It's quite difficult for me to easily pin point details of the school's responsibilities but I am going to do some more digging, and speak to some colleagues who have more knowledge and experience. I hope to come back to you soon with some helpful information.

    Best wishes,


  • Holly_Scope
    Holly_Scope Posts: 1,640 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Morning @LongTallSally66 I hope you're doing ok?

    Please see below a link that I hope will be useful. It mentions parents having a care needs assessment as a way to get more support which could potentially open avenues for school transport maybe.

    Disabled single parents | Gingerbread

    Please let me know if this is helpful to you.

    Best wishes,
