Hi, my name is maggiewee! Glasgow city council have suspended my housing benefits and council tax.

maggiewee Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited December 23 in Benefits and income

Hi I’ve received a letter from Glasgow city council saying they have suspended my housing benefits and council tax reduction I was on ESA but am now a pensioner how do I sort this ?.



  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 1,720 Championing
    edited December 23

    You will need to speak to Glasgow City Council, let them know you are now receiving state pension and they can either update your account with your income details, or advise you if you need to make a new application.

  • Holly_Scope
    Holly_Scope Posts: 217 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    edited December 23

    Hi @maggiewee hope you're well?

    I won't add anything at this point as I can see you've received some advice from @Kimmy87 but please do keep us updated. I hope you get it sorted swiftly.

    I hope you don't mind but I've made a slight change to your post title. Just to help members who might have some helpful advice, or might benefit from your post to find you easily. I hope that's ok.

    Also, if you have an opportunity to browse the categories, may I suggest "coffee lounge" which is a great place for a friendly chat, and "games den" if you fancy some fun.

    All the best,


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,509 Championing

    Are you living with a partner? If so is that partner above or below state pension age?