Can I work if I am in lcwra? Will it effect my lcwra?



  • ased444
    ased444 Online Community Member Posts: 60 Listener


    If pip take long time on decision does it sound like they will refuse to award ?

  • ased444
    ased444 Online Community Member Posts: 60 Listener


    If pip takes long time to do decision does it sound like they will refuse to award?

  • Santosha12
    Santosha12 Online Community Member Posts: 658 Empowering

    Hi Assed444, I don't know for sure sorry. I applied in Aug 22, had Asessesment on phone Dec 22. Turned down and applied for Mandatory Reconsideration Feb 23, that was turned down then went to Tribunal in March 24. Was awarded standard for Daily Living to 2027. Don't know if that helps at all. I do hope you don't have to wait so long, DWP were present at my Tribunal and the Panel suggested I was owed an apology. I can't remember that they did apologise. I was supported by a lady from the benefits team at my local housing association whom I rent from.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    The length of time a decision takes is no indication of what that decision maybe. Some cases take longer than others.

  • ased444
    ased444 Online Community Member Posts: 60 Listener


    Everyone saying that dwp will be checking everyone bank acount is that for all of the benefit claimnt bank or is it the bank that dwp benefit paid into that acount is that new law or that was always there with uc and pip also if they do check bank how far they can go back? Thanks

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    They've always had the ability to check bank accounts if the suspect fraud. They won't just check for no reasons at all and yes, if needed they can check all accounts.

  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing

    Hey, they've been doing checks for some time now. Often they will need all bank accounts when it comes to means-tested benefits as they need to ensure you meet the means-testing. They will usually ask for 4-6 months worth of statements unless there is reason to look back further.

  • ased444
    ased444 Online Community Member Posts: 60 Listener


    I am saying that everyone is saying the dwp all checking the bank statement it sounds like they starting recently but i dont know so i just wanted to know when are they started these?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    You are missing the point we are trying to make. They've always had the ability to check bank accounts if they suspect fraud. They won't check for no reason.

  • ased444
    ased444 Online Community Member Posts: 60 Listener

    Ok thank you again

  • ased444
    ased444 Online Community Member Posts: 60 Listener


    If i get carer allowance and i have partner and children does my wife needs to attend regular work focus interview

  • ased444
    ased444 Online Community Member Posts: 60 Listener


    If i get carer allowance and i have partner and children does my wife needs to attend regular work focus interview if yes then how often she needs to attend ? Thanks

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,956 Championing
  • ased444
    ased444 Online Community Member Posts: 60 Listener


    I am just wanted to know if my wife does not get lcwra or lcw and if i get carer allowance does she needs to attend regular work focus interview?

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,956 Championing

    If your wife does not get LCWRA or LCW and is not classed as a Carer and does not have very young children, then she most likely will be treated as a job seeker and expected to attend work related appointments.

  • ased444
    ased444 Online Community Member Posts: 60 Listener

    We have children yongest is 9 years old

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,956 Championing

    As the youngest child is over 3 years old, the parent will still be expected to look for work, for up to 30 hours per week.

  • ased444
    ased444 Online Community Member Posts: 60 Listener


    Now i just like to know what right to try work guarantee is that pay for anyone without needing reasessment on benefit?

  • ased444
    ased444 Online Community Member Posts: 60 Listener


    Now i just like to know what right to try work guarantee is that ls if anyone working and pay for anyone without needing reasessment on benefit?

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,956 Championing

    That hasn't started yet. The proposal is that people on health related benefits (such as LCWRA) can try working without immediately being reassessed or losing their benefits.