Can I work if I am in lcwra? Will it effect my lcwra?

ased444 Online Community Member Posts: 55 Listener
edited January 16 in Universal Credit (UC)

HI Can anyone please tell me if i am in lcwra can i work if i can work how many hours i can work and will it effect my lcwra ?



  • Kimi87
    Kimi87 Online Community Member Posts: 4,309 Championing
    edited January 4

    Yes you can work on LCWRA, it's not the number of hours that counts.

    You have a work allowance of £404 (if claiming Housing Element) or £673 (without HE).

    This means earnings under that amount will be ignored before any deductions are made.

    On earnings over that amount, your UC award will reduce by £0.55 for every £1 earned.

    You can always try a benefits calculator, to see how different hours effect your UC payment.

  • ased444
    ased444 Online Community Member Posts: 55 Listener

    Hi,there i need to know please i looked the internet link below and far as i can understand that is saying if i am in lcwra and in future 2029 the lcwra will be replaced with uc health element and existing lcwra claimant will need to be reassessed.Existing LCWRA claimants may need to undergo a reassessment to determine their eligibility for the new health element.Does it mean that i will need to have another medical assessment if not how will this reassessment work?

  • Kimi87
    Kimi87 Online Community Member Posts: 4,309 Championing
    edited January 5

    Those were old proposals by the previous Conservative Government. No longer applicable.

    Labour have not yet announced their plans, but have indicated while they accept the cost saving goal inherited from the Tories, they will be going about making those savings in their own way.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    There's no new rules that have been announced by Labour. What you see there was what the last Government wanted to do. We won't know anything until the Spring and even then if there are changes it will be a long time before they are made law.

    At the moment there's no changes and everything is the same as it's always been. You should be cautious about reading things like this and take them with a very large pinch of salt.

  • ased444
    ased444 Online Community Member Posts: 55 Listener

    Thank you to kimmy 87 and poppy123456.

    I have had another look please tell me i am in lcwra in future if i wanted to work and with my illness will i still be effected because the link below i think they saying they like to replace with chance to work guarantee and that will help people to go to work without effecting the lcwra


  • Kimi87
    Kimi87 Online Community Member Posts: 4,309 Championing
    edited January 5

    That again refers to plans by the previous Government.

    You are better off waiting until Labour announce their plans.

    As things are currently my advice in first post is correct.

    With LCWRA you have a work allowance

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    We can't answer that question because we don't know exactly what their plans are yet. That link you posted was published in November 2023 and is now out of date.

  • ased444
    ased444 Online Community Member Posts: 55 Listener

    Thank you again

  • ased444
    ased444 Online Community Member Posts: 55 Listener

    Hi, Could you please tell me if i get lcwra will i be able to get carer allowance while on lcwra and will i have uc reduced?. Another question if i get lcwra 404 a month if work less than 404 will i get uc reduced? Thanks

  • ased444
    ased444 Online Community Member Posts: 55 Listener

    Hi, Could you please tell me if i get lcwra will i be able to get carer allowance while on lcwra and will i have uc reduced?. Another question if i get lcwra 404 a month if work less than 404 will i get uc reduced also if i start to work earning less than 404 will i be called for my lcwra be reassessed again ? Thanks

  • Kimi87
    Kimi87 Online Community Member Posts: 4,309 Championing
    edited January 6

    You can claim Carers Allowance, but it would be deducted in full from your overall UC award.

    Any earnings under £404 are ignored.

    Your UC would not reduce unless you earned over the work allowance.

    It would not trigger a re assessment.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    You would not be able to claim carers element at the same time as LCWRA. This is because the same person can't be paid both elements at the same time. They would only be entitled to the higher element, which is LCWRA.

  • ased444
    ased444 Online Community Member Posts: 55 Listener

    Hello to poppy123456

    I am saying i get carer allowance and if i am in lcwra then uc will be reduced or will i not get both same time? I am not understand what is kimmy 87 is said ?

    I have another question if i am not in lcwra how much will uc be reducded while on carer allowance because i heard there amount of carer allowance will be changing from april 2025?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    Carers allowance is a separate benefit to UC and if you claim both of those at the same time the carers allowance is deducted in full from any UC entitlement, so there's no financial gain to claiming it.

    Carers allowance is £81.90/week and the deduction from UC is £354.90/month. It looks like the deduction is more than you receive but CA is weekly benefit and UC is monthly and there's 4.3 weeks in month, not 4 weeks. To work out the monthly amount you times the weekly amount by 52 and then divide by 12. Carers allowance will pay you as a separate payment.

    Most benefits increase from April this year and carers allowance will be £83.30/week but then the deduction from UC will also increase to £360.96/month. The earning limit if you work when claiming this will be increasing to £196/week from April.

    Carers element is different because it's part of UC so you need to make sure your UC includes this, you can check your statement to make sure it is. This is £198.31/month.

    Your UC will not be reduced if you're found to have LCWRA and your payments will remain the same.

  • ased444
    ased444 Online Community Member Posts: 55 Listener


    I just need to know if you sent reconsideration for pip do they send text for reciving document or do they send letter?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    Sometimes they will send a text once they receive the letter but it can take up to a few weeks for them to send this. I don't believe they send a letter saying they've received it.

  • ased444
    ased444 Online Community Member Posts: 55 Listener


    Can anyone please tell me i have someone on universal credit they need to know that is if universal credit give Group session -job club next steps (job club) is this every week to attend ?

    I have another question if i get carer allowance for my caring for my partner does job centre still gives appointment to attend ? Thanks

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    1/ How often they will need to attend will depend on what their claimant commitments are.

    2/ At the start of the thread you said you had LCWRA, if this is correct then you have no commitments and will not need to attend any appointments.

    3/ To answer your question, someone claiming either Carers allowance or Carers element of UC has no commitments so would not need to attend appointments.

    Please note, there's no financial gain to claiming carers allowance at the same time as UC because it's just deducted in full from any UC entitlement.

    Carers element of UC can be claimed but the same person can't receive both LCWRA and carers element at the same time.

  • ased444
    ased444 Online Community Member Posts: 55 Listener


    I have some telling me that they in not in lcwra and saying if they dont go to regular workcoach appointment will there uc be stopped or it will reduce if they uc reduce how much will it reduce?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    If a person hasn't been found to have LCWRA or doesn't claim carers element then they are treated as a job seeker unless their youngest child is under the age of 3 years old.

    Someone that has LCW maybe expected to attend work focused interviews but won't be expected to look for work.

    If they don't attend their appointments or do what is required of them based on their claimant commitments they could be sanctioned. You can see details of sanction levels and amounts here. If they've been sanctioned and they think it's unfair they can challenge the decision and request a Mandatory Reconsideration.

    You can see all the commitment groups here.