Hi, new ro the forum LCW to LCWRA question. not the usual sort of circumstance

newbie2025 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
edited January 8 in Universal Credit (UC)

I justI just found the forum after a google search looking for information on lcwra payments..

II read and understood that there is a 3 month period of waiting before payments kick in. However , I want to know if this is the same when I have been put into that group from the lcw group which i have been in for the last year and as such they've already had multiple fit notes etc in the past.

Obviously whenObviously when they put me into the lcw group.Then I didn't need to provide any fit notes any longer. So I don't have that behind me.

OnOn top of that, they had my claim in June.It took them until december ticket round to ringging me For the assessment and the.letter confirming change to lcwra was given to me today.

So I don't think I should have a period of waiting by the usual standards? Anyone know what's what with it because UC aren't exactly clear with it.



  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 2,261 Championing

    The three month waiting period for LCWRA applies to new claims only.

    If you triggered the review by reporting a change in health (alongside submitting Fit Notes) then LCWRA will be backdated to that date.

    If the DWP initiated the review, then the decision backdates to the Assessment Period in which the LCWRA is a awarded.

  • newbie2025
    newbie2025 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    Ok so hopefully I'll get it relatively soon then. My work coach as they were at the time said I should have been put in this group from day kne but aeem to have ended up in the lcw for longer and then they were reviewing that then put me in the lcwra this time round. So fingers crossed. Life is a nightmare right now 😭 thabks so much for the answer Kimmy 😁

  • newbie2025
    newbie2025 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener


  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 2,261 Championing

    Do you claim UC with a partner who already gets LCWRA?

    Do you have Carers Element in your name, or Transitional Protection on your claim?

  • newbie2025
    newbie2025 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    Just aJust a single claim and been on uc a whiledue to my issues

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 2,261 Championing

    You should then see the full financial increase of £416.69.

  • newbie2025
    newbie2025 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    Oh that would be amazing. It'll definitely make a difference