I applied for the electric blanket & energy

amazingblazing628 Online Community Member Posts: 55 Connected
edited February 1 in Everyday life

Hi to all

I have applied for the electric blanket & energy discount do you know when I will recive them how long it takes.

Will they be a while before they arrive.




  • JF7891
    JF7891 Scope Member Posts: 126 Empowering
    edited January 17

    Same, haven't even received a confirmation email…. and I have quite a bit of debt with my energy provider already, especially because of this harsh prolonged ice / snow we had.

  • wendy1
    wendy1 Online Community Member Posts: 111 Empowering
    edited January 18

    HI folks,

    If its the £150 energy discount you are talking about, it will depend on when you applied for it, as the application on lasts for a certain time.

    I applied in September, and received an email confirming that I was intitled to it and it was paid in my energy account in November.

    Let us know if you hear anything about the energy payment

  • JF7891
    JF7891 Scope Member Posts: 126 Empowering

    Have you got any hints as to what I could search for in my emails in case i missed it? Also do you have a link to the original offering, as maybe i could check there?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    Are you talking about the Warm Home Discount (in Scotland you still need to apply for this) or Scope's Disability Energy Support? Link here for the Energy support.


  • 1Wayne
    1Wayne Online Community Member Posts: 7 Connected

    I applied last year and did not hear from them, have done the same again but not holding out for a reply!

  • JF7891
    JF7891 Scope Member Posts: 126 Empowering
    edited January 18

    Same here, applied in the same period as @wendy1 I cannot even see a confirmation email in all of my emails. Beginning to think it was just a publicity stunt / doubling down on support that was actually given by the government directly and scope was taking credit for it. I had a similar experience with Utility Warehouse my energy provider claiming it was a specialized fund that is exclusively provided by Utility Warehouse, but it was just the energy voucher facilitated by charities / citizen's advice (in order for them as intermediaries to check the governmental records and reporting to the energy providers on eligibility matching), but in fact directly provided by a government scheme, as it even was for the exact same amount of £150, and I had already received that from Utility Warehouse / Government, so I that's probably why my application has been shelved to the back of the queue. Well a heating throw / blanket would still be very welcome, especially since my area was particularly badly effected by the snow / ice and my boiler is broken.

  • Louloubell1980
    Louloubell1980 Scope Member Posts: 24 Contributor

    I tried phoning them but just got cut off 9 times as a voice says they are too busy. It says to email but the 1st time they didn't get it and the 2nd time they did but still haven't had a response.

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,814 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi folks, @Holly_Scope has been in touch with the Energy Support Team and they're currently working though a huge backlog, they weren't expecting this scheme to be quite so popular. But they are doing their best to get to everyone and thank you for your patience.

  • Banarama123
    Banarama123 Online Community Member Posts: 67 Empowering

    Hi. Please excuse my ignorance. But is a heated throw or blanket another name for electric blanket. Thank you in advance

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,747 Championing

    They are two different things.

    A heated throw goes over the top of the bed or person on a chair or sofa, they're often smaller and made of more comfortable material.

    A heated blanket gets fitted underneath bedsheets and laid on top of.

  • Banarama123
    Banarama123 Online Community Member Posts: 67 Empowering
  • Banarama123
    Banarama123 Online Community Member Posts: 67 Empowering
  • Holly_Scope
    Holly_Scope Posts: 1,093 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi all. Just want to let you know I have seen this. I've made a note of those that haven't yet received a response to pass on to the team.

    Best wishes,


  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,449 Championing
    edited January 20

    OverlyAnxious, those clever Germans call them heated underblankets which is the best description yet for our 'electric blankets'.

  • JF7891
    JF7891 Scope Member Posts: 126 Empowering

    Does that mean they are not prone to break within 48h of usage due to the sensitivity of fine heating wires breaking at angles / pressure?

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,449 Championing
    edited January 20

    No, they don't break as long as the underblanket is kept flat. It comes with ties or string to hold it place on the mattress. The bottom sheet then fits on top.

  • JF7891
    JF7891 Scope Member Posts: 126 Empowering

    What if the only way for me to sit up / get out of bed is with leaning on my elbows? All the standard / underblankets I bought in my life time quickly broke, and I am not the only one knowing and experiencing this. A better version would've been a 'heat pad' I believe, one in particular that you can strap around your torso and sleep in. In fact all heating blankets come with a warning saying you are not supposed to sleep with them, and stating exactly that the reason for that is point-pressure, angles and fine wires in them.

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,449 Championing
    edited January 20

    Perhaps one of those beds which raises you instead? I don't know.

    A heated throw is not designed to be slept on, you are right.

  • JF7891
    JF7891 Scope Member Posts: 126 Empowering

    Yeah as poppy said, heated throw and blankets are different, but in the end exactly 100% of all such heating products contain thin wires, I tested all of these products, and all break within 48h, none of them can be slept on, despite what that which? link poppy provides, says (no surprise as which? stand to gain from this spend-incentive and future sponsors). I would have preferred a product such as this, as it is rationally a lot more effective and lasting (but yeah I know not every product suits every disability, I just think this is more inclusive):