JoeBeth24x Online Community Member Posts: 36 Listener
edited January 23 in Benefits and income

hello I got awarded lcwra 25/09/23 with first payment February 8th 2024, awarded 14month it's coming to end around march/april, can anyone tell me what happens next what's the process, will I have to do all the forms again and have another assessment. I rang uc yesterday asked about the same as what I've asked here, and the lady said that they looked into it/my claim I'm guessing? November last year, what does this mean I've not heard anything?

Any help appreciated



  • JoeBeth24x
    JoeBeth24x Online Community Member Posts: 36 Listener

    I didn't mean to put it under employment and support allowance. :(

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 2,813 Championing

    LCWRA continues to be paid until such a time as you are found fit for work.

    The re assessment date on their system is just a guide, as they can re assess at any time.

    Re assessments for the majority of those getting LCWRA have been suspended anyway for several years, as a result significant backlogs exist within the system.

    When you are re assessed, a letter will be added to your Journal, with a UC50 form arriving in the post a few days later.

  • JoeBeth24x
    JoeBeth24x Online Community Member Posts: 36 Listener

    hello thank you for commenting back. So it's not going to end in march or April? I just don't get why the lady told me on the phone that it's Been looked at in November

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 2,813 Championing

    I can't answer as to what she meant about it being looked at in November.

    Your LCWRA payment will only end if you have an assessment and are moved to the LCW group, or found fit for work.

  • JoeBeth24x
    JoeBeth24x Online Community Member Posts: 36 Listener

    I see so reassesments are not going ahead as of now then? Is there a backlog, just started worrying as it's getting closer the 14months being up is all.

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 2,813 Championing
    edited January 23

    Only extremely few reviews have been taking place for LCWRA. As I advised they have largely been suspended for several years so a significant backlog now exists.

    The assessment providers were re organised by DWP a few months ago, but when re-assessments resume at scale is anyone's guess.

  • JoeBeth24x
    JoeBeth24x Online Community Member Posts: 36 Listener

    so let's just say I don't have to worry yet even tho the 14 months is pretty much up?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,272 Championing

    As kimmy advised, LCWRA is an ongoing award until a new decision says otherwise. The extra money doesn't just stop. No one can predict when you will have your next review I'm afraid.

    If you have access to a journal when it's time for your review you will receive a letter on your journal telling you they are referring you. A few days later you will receive the UC50 form in the post.

  • Holly_Scope
    Holly_Scope Posts: 903 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @JoeBeth24x I've seen your comment and moved the category to Benefits and Income for you. Hope that's ok. 🙂

  • JoeBeth24x
    JoeBeth24x Online Community Member Posts: 36 Listener

    hello that's absolutely fine, could I ask one more question, I've seen on the that WCA and changes to lcwra are happening in April this year, they are getting rid of wca here is a screenshot.

    does this mean if I don't get a review by April I won't get re-assessed? I'm just a little confused on how they are doing it

    many thanks

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 2,813 Championing
    edited January 27

    Those plans relate to the previous Government. Unfortunately there is loads of stuff floating round which is now defunct, being presented as fact.

    Labour have so far only committed to the cost savings inherited from the Tories (£3bn off all welfare benefits). And have said they will go their own way rather than following Tory plans.

    A green paper with their own plans is coming in the Spring, and I believe a speech this week might indicate what some details may be.

  • JoeBeth24x
    JoeBeth24x Online Community Member Posts: 36 Listener

    But it says in the screenshot coming into effect from 2025. Was on the news a a couple/few weeks back ? Just getting anxious and worried about a re-assessment

  • JoeBeth24x
    JoeBeth24x Online Community Member Posts: 36 Listener
  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 2,813 Championing
    edited January 27,impact%20millions%20of%20Disabled%20people.

    Note the dates.

    "in 2023 the Government…"

    "under the proposed new system"

    "This reform would then be rolled out, for new claims only from 2026/2027 and 2029 for existing claimants"

    These are previous Government plans. They never got past White Paper stage and didn't go through the long legislative process to become law before they were voted out in 2024.

    Unfortunately AI results aren't always very accurate.

  • JoeBeth24x
    JoeBeth24x Online Community Member Posts: 36 Listener

    ah I see so what's happening with the WCA then, and lcwra in April, I just hope l don't get assessed any time soon as it's worrying me a lot having to do it all again, but I've heard that people don't get a re-assessment and just get the award extended (month wise) if nothings changed or gotten worse are they still suspended? For several years

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 2,813 Championing

    Yes re assessments are still suspended for the vast majority getting LCWRA.

    We don't know what's happening with the WCA until Labour announce any changes.

  • JoeBeth24x
    JoeBeth24x Online Community Member Posts: 36 Listener

    my work coach replied with this

    several years means 7 years surely they haven't stopped them for 7yrs?

    But thank you so much for your help. I'm just panicking that's all and I do apologise

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 2,813 Championing

    I was last re assessed in 2018, and was due again in 2020.

    I did receive a message 2 years ago suggesting the process had started, but after I gave the information they asked for (confirmation of my GP), I heard nothing so it didn't proceed to a reassessment in my case.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,272 Championing
    edited January 27

    No, reviews haven't been suspended for several years. They were suspended just before the very first lockdown was announced back in March 2020. I remember it very well because I was one of the unlucky ones that received my form just as that announcement was made.

    They've been suspended for the majority of people for coming up to 5 years this March.

  • JoeBeth24x
    JoeBeth24x Online Community Member Posts: 36 Listener

    so there's a good chance I won't be re assessed for at least couple years my work coach said might not even be done this year, how does a re assessment work , in some cases people don't even need one is that right then get a message saying no assessment needed your award has been extended or something my mum has had to take 4 months off work fo be with me