Hi my name is Tina

TinaClarke Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener

Came to ask questions about state pension. I posted that separately. I get my pension in nov. I'm a year and three months older than hubby.

This is a whole new learning curve and I was very stressed about it, but now I've started its not so bad…migration was a dozy. But worked out three times as good as we had it before so I'm hoping for the best….then in 28 hubby will get his pension…all change again.

Also hubby is on dialysis….so things might change for me at any point from now…and I will asking that question when I have go through this…I will be asking the pension service about my state pension and any other forum I find…i just asked the question like I would a person to google and scope came up.

I am off to find the carers section because I am thinking of getting a carers assessment and I'm wondering if I should claim pip or try to before I claim my pension. That's more scary than this pension thing. I've been through the pip thing with hubbie so I know what to expect.



  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 5,200 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @TinaClarke, welcome to the community. I can see you've already been posting to get some advice on the things you're facing, so I hope you get some replies soon 😊

    We've got some lovely and very helpful members so I hope you'll enjoy your time on the community!