Hi, my name is theo_uu!

theo_uu Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener

Hi, I'm very new to discussion forums so please excuse my behaviour. My brother is disabled and mostly unable to move. He has a trachea and cannot feed orally, instead using a PEG. I want to learn more about other things he is dealing with but I am no very well renowned on medical terms. I struggle to understand what he is going through and often get overwhelmed when in his room. I apologise if I sound cold, thankyou for having me here.


  • Bluebell21
    Bluebell21 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 8,700 Championing

    Hi @theo_uu Welcome to the Community. Who cares for your brother on a daily basis? Could you perhaps ask them to explain to you what he is dealing with.

    You do not sound cold at all the fact you want to find out more about your brother's condition so you can understand better shows you care about him.

    Please take care of yourself.

  • theo_uu
    theo_uu Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener

    My mother does. I try to ask but I cannot communicate very well with her. I do not understand most terms. Thankyou for commenting. I will try to listen attentively next time I ask her.

    You take care also.