Panicking as first time claiming

catmad98 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
edited February 20 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA

Good morning everybody, and apologies for the long post but wanted to explain.**

I am new to this forum. I have applied for PIP for the first time in my life. I’m nearly 60.

  1. Application Process:
    • I had some help with the form in November 2024 due to my anxiety of not being able to focus on doing it by myself.
    • I opted for a phone interview, as I could not do face-to-face, but even phone calls are extremely difficult too, as I don’t cope very well with people at all.
  2. Health Conditions:
    • I’m agoraphobic, have CPTSD, social anxiety, severe anxiety and depression, osteoporosis, and other mental health-related issues.
    • I'm also waiting for an autism diagnosis, as both my children are autistic, so it’s very likely that I am too.
  3. Support and Therapy:
    • I have just been recently discharged by the CMHT after a suicide attempt in November 2024.
    • I am still awaiting therapy, so at the moment I only have support and documentation from my GP, whom I see every two weeks.
  4. Progress and Current Situation:
    • The form was sent off in November, then I received the text that it looks like everybody else has received that says “We’ve received your form.”
    • The next text I got said a health professional is looking at your PIP form.
    • Out of the blue, yesterday, January 31, 2025, I received a call from a Health Advisor on behalf of PIP. I was not expecting the call, so I had the biggest panic attack where I could hardly speak, I burst into tears, etc.
    • She was understanding and gave me time to answer and also the opportunity to stop if I needed to. However, because of how I am and I don’t have as much documentation as others, I don’t know whether they are going to believe me.
  5. Anxiety and Concerns:
    • Now my anxiety is through the roof, and I can’t think of anything else.
    • It is making me extremely panicky. Any advice on how long I will wait to hear, and how do I cope if they reject my claim, as I don’t think I could go through it again.
      Thanks in advance


  • footballfan1275
    footballfan1275 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener

    The whole pip application process is so long and it can be quite nerve racking. As long as you’ve given all the information forward that they’ve asked for like medical records and evidence and explained everything about your health conditions you should be fine When the health adviser phoned you there not trying to catch you out , they our just there to find out abit more information about how you’re health conditions and how it affects your day to day living. I was much like you when I was going through the PIP process but It does take a while as I know. Just try not to panic I know that’s easy said then done.

  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing

    Hi @catmad98, how are you feeling today now that it has been a few days since you spoke on the phone with that health advisor how are you doing? It can be quite anxiety inducing and you are not alone in feeling this way!

    I also want to add that I appreciate how detailed you have made your post! I also really do like the format and way you've shown it. Makes it very easy to read and digest the information 😊

    I do find it odd that they gave you no warning about this call however.

    Would it help to read up about the appeal process perhaps so you know what to do if the decision does not go your way? Many people can be very successful with their appeals!

    If you think it might help please do check out the following section of our online advice: Appealing a benefits decision | Disability charity Scope UK

  • catmad98
    catmad98 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener

    hi, sorry I’m not used to this site and I keep missing answers. I’m pleased to say that this morning I received a text saying that I’ve been but it didn’t say how much or what

    it just said that there a letter within two weeks received telling me about it.

    does anybody know before receiving the much are going to get without having to phone them as I find phone calls very difficult?

    thank you for all your help on this forum