Possible new claim for DLA

honeypie65 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener

Hi - does anyone know if I should put in for DLA for my 3 year old?
He is non-speaking/non-verbal and after his appointment with the pediatrician, he has been diagnosed with being on the spectrum (awaiting the formal report - followed up today and the sent it out in the port today). He has other needs daily night and day needs as well (like toiletry).
Not sure if I can since he is 3 years old.



  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 2,697 Championing

    Claiming for young children can be difficult, as all young children require a high degree of constant care - at the moment for a successful claim you'd need to demonstrate his needs go beyond an average 3yo.

    I've known friends children to be still in nappies at 3, speech ranges varied, some were dreadful sleepers at night etc.

  • honeypie65
    honeypie65 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener

    Okay - is it best then to wait for my 3 year old?

    I also have a 6 year old on the spectrum. Should I apply for him or no?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,111 Championing

    It's entirely your decision whether you apply for both children and we can't tell you that. The only person that knows how their conditions affect you is yourself. You just need to proof they have more care and attention needs than that of a child the same age that doesn't have health conditions.

    It is possible to be successfully awarded DLA for a 3 year old. It's much more difficult to claim it for babies.

  • Mary_Scope
    Mary_Scope Posts: 524 Scope Online Community Children and Family Specialists

    Hi @honeypie65

    Poppy and Kimmy have given some good advice above and there is some more information about DLA that is relevant to your question on this post..

    CONTACT have created a great video for parents that is easy to watch about claiming DLA higher rate mobility for children with learning disabilities or autism. It is to help parents apply for mobility element when they have an autistic child as it just gives some reminders and tips to make filling the forms out a bit easier!

    Hope that was helpful, please reach out if you would like further support or have more questions😀