Second language English and disabled - support networks?
Hi, I am an adult second language teacher in Wales. I am looking to find support for several students who are learning English (so not fluent speakers/readers). I was wondering what the chances are of people from this community being able to help us. One student has a brain injury, one has a brain tumour, another is…
Activities in West London for 15-year-old
reaching out to see what’s available in west London please. Am asking for our 15yr old daughter who uses a walking frame to get around.
Sen child school placement
Hi I'm hoping someone can give me advice please regarding my sons application for high school and a matter which has arisen which I'm not sure is even legal, feeling confused and upset, if this is anyone's area of expertise, he has an EHCP in place is currently on a partial timetable and my belief is mainstream school are…
Hi, my name is Louisemac77!
my son was recently diagnosed with epilepsy
Room for husband
Hi, in a 3 bedroom, got son at home and daughter with her 7 mnth old baby, im in 3rd room and husband sleeps downstairs ( has done for 2 years) im his carer hes recently been diagnosed with young onset dementia along with alot of other health issues , barely sleeps throught the night which has me up and down, ( went down…
Possible new claim for DLA
Hi - does anyone know if I should put in for DLA for my 3 year old? He is non-speaking/non-verbal and after his appointment with the pediatrician, he has been diagnosed with being on the spectrum (awaiting the formal report - followed up today and the sent it out in the port today). He has other needs daily night and day…
Hi, my name is miasmummy24!
hiya everyone, just wanted people to talk to who are in the same boat as me. My beautiful daughter is waiting on a diagnosis for autism, global development delay and sensory processing disorder. Just wanted some advice on how to help her deal with it and how I can help her. Thank you for reading!!
Hi, my name is maggines!
Hi everyone. I’m a new member of your community from today. I would like to briefly tell you my story about my son 10 years old with Downs Syndrome and ASD. He was born as a strong and healthy boy with small numbers of DS futures . Genetic tests confirmed that he has Trisomy 21. He was developing very well till he turned…
Hi, my name is hattie61!
My sister wants to move with me with her 15yr old granddaughter whom she has guardianship we are both on pip dla I have a 2 bedroom flat which I rent from local council I receive full hb will effect hb? we are doing this to look after and support each other any advice would be appreciated many thanks
Hello I need some advice about universal credit my partner has health issues and I am currently...
I need some advice about universal credit my partner has health issues and I am currently caring for him we also have a son who turns 3 in May and going by the rules you have to start looking for work when they reach this age I am aware that universal credit provides child care for up to a certain amount of hours but I…
Care Support Plan. Do I sent this information back to the Ombudsman or challenge the social again?
Hi, My son has a Care Support Plan. The council decided to take funding away before the annual assessment was completed. I took the case to the Ombudsman and won, The council had failed. Now, the support plan is back and running, but the council/social will not support the Physiotherapy my disabled son desperately requires…
Hi, my name is lormar08!
I hope to speak with like minded parents/carers who are going through similar experiences/struggles with their children
Can I just appeal mobility rate for DLA?
Good morning, I need help regarding DLa mandatory reconsideration. My Son has ASD/Adhd. He got high rate on care and low rate mobility .we want reconsideration on mobility, but I read on line they will reconsider whole again .and might be they put low in both criteria or refuse too. Can I ask for look only mobility rate?
EHCP Review - school being obstructive when I ask for specific teachers to attend
My DD is in mainstream school. Got her EHCP in Sept 2023. She has been on the verge of permanent exclusions quite a few times. However, we feel that since the EHCP things have improved, she is attending lessons, albeit not the mainstream ones. She has 1:1 for Maths/English and 1:1 TA support first thing each morning to set…
Section 21
Hi there, Our private landlord has given us section 21 which is ending in 4-5 days. We are on the housing register already. Council is aware of the notice & asked all the documents we had from our landlord. They said they will check if the notice is valid. Really anxious with two special needs children what will happen…
Unsure how to get Daughter help
Hi, 1St time posting here, so thank you. My daughter, now 14yrs old was diagnosed 18months ago with POTS is in medsto try and help her through the day and meds to help her to sleep. Every day is a struggle for her, but she puts on a brave face but inside she is exhausted. We Have informed her school of the diagnosis many…
Moving around question
Hi again, so I’m just wondering about the moving around question and what to tick for the distance my daughter walks. She is an ambulatory wheelchair user. She can walk up to 50m and then gets pain & breathlessness. We have clinic letters stating this. However at school she walks further than that because she won’t use her…
EHCP assessment advice
hi all, My son has severe ADHD and been accepted for an EHCP assessment. He is medicated effectively for his education only and takes it only for school, and the medication does significantly improve his ADHD symptoms to allow him to be able to sit still in class and he presents with less symptoms. I asked his SENCO if I…
Sensitive issue. Please be kind. My son is 18 and I am his appointee. He keeps bringing cannabis to our home. He gets £300 UC a month (pays us £100 a month board). The £200 he has -its all gone in 2 days on drug debts. He has a UC work coach but is consistency refusing to work. He agreed to attend a short course but…
I would like the LA to consider a move to specialist school, how do I go about this?
I have a annual review for my sons EhCP and he is currently going to a mainstream high school in year 7, but is not coping and I have taken him out due to suicidal thoughts and started to self harm, my concern is now I have taken him out of school, he does not want to go back and I would like the LA to consider a move to…
Hi, I had a bruising time getting my daughter into a specialist school that could implement her EHCP. Both her mainstream school and the LA failed her. I want to put in a formal complaint to let the school and LA know that their inaction was detrimental to my daughter forcing me to remove her. Her mainstream school…
Hi, I am Jorj! My wonderful 7-year-old daughter is on the autism spectrum.
My wonderful 7-year-old daughter is on the autism spectrum. Just here to connect and maybe share experiences with others.
Any other disabled parents?
Hi, just wondering if anyone else has a disability and kids- mine are primary and secondary school ages. I'd love to connect with people who are in the same position as me. I'm feeling pretty lonely right now!
How to safeguard PDA risk curious 13 year old
Hi there. I have a 13 year old child diagnosed autistic PDA. She strives for autonomy and freedom. She is risk curious (alcohol, maybe more). She is social and goes out with friends. I feel she is very vulnerable. Communication between us is up and down. I don't think she tells the truth, but also don't know if I am just…
Child ADHD assessment
Hi to all! I am I’m trying to get some help and answers about a big issue that I am having . Please to all of you, give me your opinion and thoughts and if you can help i would really appreciate it. I am a mum of four. My third child now 11 he has always been super active since he was little. Having said that I have never…
Hi, my name is jessica What do I do if my autistic son refuses to leave the house all of a sudden
What do I do if my autistic son refuses to leave the house all of a sudden
Hi, my name is LittleFlower1986!
hello, I have joined as I need good advice on a situatuation. My daughter has a disability, mostly neuro, overlapping migrainal/epilepsy disorders. After finishing 6 form school she went to college to get better marks for English/maths, this was over a 2yr period, she was on dla from 17yrs old, in 2016 she was put on ESA…
Hi, my name is GNicolaou! My daughter who is on the autism spectrum and diagnosed with ADHD
Hi there- I am here on behalf of my daughter who is on the autism spectrum and also diagnosed with ADHD as well as several other physical conditions. We were refused PIP previously however our consultant suggested that we should apply within the autism community to seek advice as my daughter is more than eligible for…
Benefit help
hi could someone please help with advice as it’s a minefield when trying to find out non dependents deductions.. I currently live alone and claim UC council tax benefit and work capability element my 16 year old son and his pregnant girlfriend want to move in with me due to unforeseen circumstances. He works but earns…
Autism child dla
High I have mentioned the DLA award high rate care needs which I agree with the mobility award I did not agree the award is 10 years The motility part I sent clear evidence of the challenges out side on a journey a school letter a echp plan previous to this at play school This was picked up at 3 years old and had to limit…