Hi, my name is sdavies25! hi I had a phone assessment on the 30/1/25 I called today 5/1/25 ...

sdavies25 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
edited February 6 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA

hi I had a phone assessment on the 30/1/25 I called today 5/1/25 to request a copy of my report but the lady on the phone said it’s been sent back to the assessor could anyone tell me why that’s happened and if it’s good or bad? I suffer from bpd/adha/anxiety/depression and the stress of all this process is making me so ill, if anyone could please help me. Thank you


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    Sometimes the report will be returned if there's errors or contradictions. Other than that I'm afraid I can't tell you exactly the reason why. Is this PIP?

    You can ring the health assessment providers to ask them and they maybe able to give you some information.

  • sdavies25
    sdavies25 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener

    hi yes it’s for pip, I’m not sure why they’ve sent it back but wanted to know if it’s happened to anyone else and what was the outcome was it good or bad, the stress and anxiety I am feeling now is through the roof