Pip assessment

ben2026 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected


Iv just been informed that I got a pip appointment assessment on Wednesday 2 25 it's over the phone on a phone camera thing I'm new to all of this if someone as had this before if you can help me what to expect question from then sorry my anxiety is getting to me ATM and I'm worried about the call any help of what I need can I record the call or do I get my paperwork to hand or medication thanks


  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing

    Hi @ben2026, it can be very anxiety-inducing but there can be ways to make it easier. First of all, would you be more comfortable with just a telephone assessment? As you could request to have a telephone assessment instead of a video call assessment. You will also need to contact whoever the assessor is, not PIP, to request the assessment is recorded and sent to you.

    You can have notes and paperwork to hand. In fact I recommend you take notes and have your paper work there, I would even have someone else there with you to provide support and reminders. This is not an exam, it's an assessment of how your conditions affect your day to day living.

  • ben2026
    ben2026 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected

    I was worried about changing it as I really do need the help and didn't want it to go against me for change to phone call same with the recording as I have read that they not always z the Same in the report to pip

    What is the questions like?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    Changing the assessment to a phone call instead of a video call will not go against you. Same with recording the call.

    I can’t tell you exactly what questions they will ask you because I don’t know how your conditions affect you. It will be different for everyone.

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 5,200 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @ben2026, as Poppy says, changing the call shouldn't go against you. The questions are different for everyone, so it's difficult to say what they'll ask. They will have a look at your case and ask you things relating to your conditions and how they affect you day to day.

    I hope your assessment goes okay, I know they can be pretty stressful and the lead up to them can be a worrying time. Try to keep yourself distracted if you can, although I know that's easier said than done!

    Keep us posted with how you get on 😊

  • ben2026
    ben2026 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected

    Thank you both for the support I do apy the help

    Igoing to try ring them up and see if I can change it to a phone call and if I can have it record I don't have a copy of my form as it was done online and I looked at it this took me about a month to do to get everything in that I neededto expecting to them in detail of how my condition effects me as there is more then one and there is about 14 pages on my form with a lot of information I know what I have and how it affects me but I not a big on talking I'm worried that I may leave things out or have trouble remembering everything on the form I'm not very good with remembering things

    I well keep everyone updated on here and again thank you I do appreciate the help it makes things a bit easier to deal with

  • ben2026
    ben2026 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected

    @Rosie_Scope @poppy123456 @Jimm_Scope

    I have looked up on YouTube about what they may ask you and alot of videos say they try and trick questions you because they get a bonus if they don't put you on pip I'm not sure if this is true or not but as got me more anxious about it all

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    They don't receive any bonus's if someone is refused, that's a load of nonsense. Some people think they are asked trick questions but they are genuine questions because they are trying to find out exactly how your conditions affect your daily life.

    Maybe you should stop watching those Youtube videos.

  • ben2026
    ben2026 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected


    That's good to know thank you sorry or all the questions and random ones on this forum just don't know what to expect on the day and want to just be ready for what they ask me thanks again

  • ben2026
    ben2026 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected

    I just had my pip assessment this took 1hr and 45 mins phone call

    Was ask so much questions I was so nervous and anxious on the call that my hand was shaking

    I really don't know how it went as the lady didn't seem to interested but she was new and had a manager on the call as well

    I got to wait 8 weeks to find out what happens next

  • ben2026
    ben2026 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected

    Hello all I just had my pip assessment today over the phone it last one hour and 46 mins I was so nervous that my hand was shaking the all the way through the conversation she asked me the same question 2 times in different ways this did throw me off as I try to understand the questions like walking in metres and miles as well of how long for in time I can't give a straight answer to this as I have never learned anything about metres or miles and don't keep a eye on how fast I can.wall in time I know it takes me long and I know people walk alot duster then I can so like a normal 15 min walk takes me to a 1hr walk the lady was new and she had her manager on the line as well to see how she is doing but she don't seem to interested in some parts of the conversation but she was tipping i was told I well get a letter within the next 8 weeks to let me know what the DWP as decided I have send them with the form over 107 letters from all my medical doctors and hospital letters as well as specialist physiotherapist and diabetes program and other things I hope the people that is dealing with my case that's all of this in to consideration as there is alot more then one issue wrong with me

  • Holly_Scope
    Holly_Scope Posts: 1,338 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @ben2026 I bet it's a relief to have got it done now. Hopefully you'll start to feel less anxious throughout the day and I wish you the best for the outcome. 🙂

    Best wishes,

  • ben2026
    ben2026 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected


    I feel about better now the call is over but saying alot of my personal problem out loud on the call did get to me just really got my thinking about what happened to me in the last 10is years how I used to be to now can't do the things I used to that was a hard pill to swallow

    I open up about everything and the lady was not I want to say like interested in what I had to say or something like that I know she was new and she had her manager on the other end of the call I just hope I give the information to her that gets the right results for me that make things easier for my life to get back to normal as possible

    But I keep thinking that I'm going to get a 0 points from this from the way she was but we see in 8 weeks time I guess

    Thank you for your message

  • Holly_Scope
    Holly_Scope Posts: 1,338 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @ben2026 I can completely empathise with this. I have therapy so I get how emotionally exhausting and draining it can be having to talk about things that are so personal to you.

    I hope you're having a relaxing day today and are taking some time for you. 💛