UC Housing element

peters77 Online Community Member Posts: 162 Connected
edited February 12 in Universal Credit (UC)

When you migrate is the housing element paid from the submitting date or from the first payment date for the 4 weeks before ?

My housing association got back to me to say they are happy to wait for the 2 week run on and the first UC payment and then discuss any arrears.


Wising all a nice weekend



  • peters77
    peters77 Online Community Member Posts: 162 Connected

    Forgot to add I submitted on the 6th feb, next HB payment is due 17th feb and first payment from UC is due 12th march

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,538 Championing
    edited February 8

    I'm glad your HA were reasonable in the end (unless I'm mixing you up with someone else).

    UC will pay Housing Element from the date you submitted your application for the whole of your Assessment Period which is a calender month, not four weeks.

    So your first Housing Element payment will be the 12th March, which is for your rent from 6th February to 5th March.

  • peters77
    peters77 Online Community Member Posts: 162 Connected

    Spoke to a lovely lady handling it in the end and has been very reasonable.

    Ahhh I see so if they pay from submition date and I have that 2 week run on with a HB payment due on the 17th feb I don't think I will be in any arrears unless I've got it wrong.

    Theres is a 10 day overlap with HB covering so may end up in a 10 day positive balance or maybe UC paying after that 10 day onwards no idea I get so confused.

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,538 Championing
    edited February 8

    There will likely be some arrears, as UC is paid a month behind often by the time it reaches your Landlord it doesn't clear the outstanding balance, plus the wait for next payment means the balance goes into debit.

    What my landlord offers is a payment plan, a little extra paid each week until the arrears are cleared and the next UC payment puts your account one month into credit.

  • peters77
    peters77 Online Community Member Posts: 162 Connected

    Ahh ok, I see hopefully that will be an option for me as it would be idea.

    Thanks Kimmy

  • peters77
    peters77 Online Community Member Posts: 162 Connected

    Thats weird just checked my rent account with the HA and it has a £0 balance no payment has been made but one due on the 17th odd.

  • peters77
    peters77 Online Community Member Posts: 162 Connected

    Ok so just logged on to my CT/HB account on the day I submitted its showing they made a full months payment but only 3 weeks of rent has been cleared oddly on my HA side which is showing a £0 balance as opposed to a positive balance for a week.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    My rent with my landlord (HA) is always in arrears because my daughter claims UC and her share of the rent is obviously paid monthly so our account goes into arrears until her share is paid. I still claim HB and my share is paid weekly.

    Thankfully, my HA are very upstanding and haven't made a fuss of the rent account being in arrears for a short period of time.

  • peters77
    peters77 Online Community Member Posts: 162 Connected

    Sounds like you have an understanding HA, I'm gathering some aren't as easy to deal with.

    I did notice my HA account is showing a rent charge for the upcoming week and that has £0 so the HB has paid until the 17th which is short of 4 days from the claim date of 6th unless they only pay whole weeks only and stop, I guess that's a live and learn one.

    My guess is 3 weeks worth of rent is will be due or there abouts.

    CT said I don't need to notify them of anything as UC do and there is nothing for me to do so I believe on that front they will re-calculate it all based on the UC change, bit of an unknown variable this CT.

    I guess I am quite anxious to get this over with to know what my payment will be. Roll on 5 weeks. Then if there are any errors or missing TP or anything wrong get that ironed out and then payment 2 should be ok and then I guess sigh of relief.

    Hopefully there are not too many more or any to-dos coming my way this week :)

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,538 Championing

    New claims are very busy with various tasks, but it does soon quieten down and the claim runs itself with minimal or no input from the claimant.

  • peters77
    peters77 Online Community Member Posts: 162 Connected

    Bit of an odd one today I thought tax credits stops the day you claim ?

    I just received a payment today.

    Will call them and see how to send it back must be an error

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,538 Championing

    If it's an error then it should be deducted from your first UC award.

  • peters77
    peters77 Online Community Member Posts: 162 Connected


    Just got off the phone with them an they have no idea basically is what they are telling me. I'll leave it right there to pay back or see if its deducted off my first UC.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    It maybe some money that is owed to you but you won't know that for certain until you receive your final tax credits award notice. It may take several weeks for HMRC to calculate that.

  • peters77
    peters77 Online Community Member Posts: 162 Connected

    I had a look on the hmrc app but all my data is gone for tax credits.

    Ahhh I see I did not know about that I thought it stops dead the second you migrate.

    I'll keep an eye out for that.

  • peters77
    peters77 Online Community Member Posts: 162 Connected

    just had a message on my journal to say my landlord will pay them every month but the amount is not the full amount. It’s about £30 less every week so £120 odd a month. They said if it doesn’t cover the full rent I have to pay the remaining.

    is this because it’s for the first month or is this what it is now ?
    Or because I have a non dependant

  • peters77
    peters77 Online Community Member Posts: 162 Connected

    or does that get added to the TP park t ?

  • peters77
    peters77 Online Community Member Posts: 162 Connected


  • peters77
    peters77 Online Community Member Posts: 162 Connected

    or is it because part of the last weeks part paid has been paid by HB ?

    Sorry to the multiple messages how my brain works

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,538 Championing

    Do you claim Daily Living PIP?

    If so no non dependant deductions will be made to your Housing Element.

    If that's the case you may want to add a Journal note stating this.

    Have you tried the bedroom calculator to see if you qualify for all rooms to be paid for?
