How will my benefits be affected by moving in with my partner

KRK1235 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
edited February 12 in Benefits and income


I have just recently gone back to work part time, my salary is £5319 annually so obviously very low. I currently live at home and get PIP enhanced daily living and UC LCWRA.

Me and my partner are moving in together, he works full time and earns 24k a year. How will us moving in affect my UC? Anything online says we have to start a joint application, will I then lose my lcwra status and just be back to square 1? Will I have to close my current uc claim that I have had for around a year, Also will we even be entitled to anything anyways? If someone could explain the process, that would be great.

Obviously I don’t want to be dependant on him and still need my own money for myself and any costs that aren’t split between us.




  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,184 Championing
    edited February 11

    Your PIP isn't affected.

    You would claim UC as a couple if living together.

    Any entitlement would be based on your joint circumstances.

    When you move in you need to report the change that you are living together. You will then be given a linking code.

    He then needs to apply for UC, and input that code.

    You can see any joint entitlement by filling out a benefits calculator as if you were living together

  • KRK1235
    KRK1235 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener

    would he have to attend the job centre etc even though he is in full time employment? I’m unsure of the process

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    He may need to attend an appointment if his ID needs to be verified. After this with those earnings he would have no commitments.

    If no one is claiming either carers allowance or carers element of UC for looking after you and you live with your partner, they would be able to claim carers element. This would increase your maximum UC entitlement by a further £198.31/month.

    Please use the benefit calculator linked above, put both of your details into it to see if there's any entitlement to UC. You will need to put your partners earnings into it too.