Carers Allowance or Element? Confused!

Ray212 Online Community Member Posts: 590 Empowering
edited February 15 in Universal Credit (UC)

So this maybe straight forward or maybe confusing.

I get daily living pip. Also UC and LCWRA

I am told that someone could get carers allowance/element for helping me?

Firstly is that true?

Which one would they have to claim, allowance or element?

Do they have to be related to me? Or can they be your partner? Even though we don't live together.

Will I lose money?

They get UC as well but are also self employed, currently suffering under the min income floor.

Advice appreciated



  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    Yes someone can claim carers element for looking after you, if they look after you for at least 35 hours per week. You do not need to live with them and yes it can be your partner, even if you don’t live together.

    The only time someone can’t claim carers element is if they are receiving the LCWRA element of UC for their self.

    If they claimed carers allowance at the same time as UC then this would be deducted in full from their UC. There’s also a weekly earnings limit of £151. There’s no earnings limit to carers element of UC.

    You would not lose any money.

  • Ray212
    Ray212 Online Community Member Posts: 590 Empowering

    Many thanks, that is what I was hoping for, so to summarise. They could claim carers element for me. It would not affect my money but they would get £198 extra I think per month and as they are self employed the min income floor would go for them as well.

    They get UC but they do not get any disability benefits.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    Yes all of that is correct.