me001 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited February 20 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA

Morning all

New to this so bear with me.…Basically I originally applied for PIP back in 22 for sleep apnea among other conditions such as depression anxiety etc and was point blankly refused.After just over a year I won my appeal and got awarded standard PIP ongoing and was informed by the panel the decision was actually made before I entered the room and should never have went that far as should have been awarded at earliest opportunity with the spokesperson telling me to immediately contact if got any worse etc

Nov 24 I applied for reassessment as cpap machine not helping greatly with sleep apnea and the other conditions actually look like long covid,which has been going on approx 4 years now after having the covid virus approx 6 times tested positive and multiple times did not bother testing but new myself just not feeling great with all the symptoms etc I still do not leave the house unless very very essential,I can go over a week nearly 2 weeks without even going to a shop my family who live with me would always do it.My wife suffered stage 4 cancer back in 2019 just before the global pandemic and I believe keeping our "bubble" to protect her has continued to this day.She is doing great now thank goodness just an absolute horrific time during that period and believe mentally turned me into a shadow of what I was...

Apologies for the long winded just feel would give you a jist of the story!Bottom line i asked for new phone assessment to be recorded and explained to the girl taking it that I felt wrongly done by the first claim due to case manager failing me and did not want lighting striking twice!Low and behold this girl managed to be absolutely so much worse that she managed to score me ZERO in every category despite the recording stating I still speak to respiratory team on monthly basis for new mask for CPAP machine etc and she claims I was discharged in mar 23!I have since received an apology letter after lodging a complaint and a gesture of £70 and the admittance by the complaints team that there where gaps between the audio and the written assessment,contradicting and false statements and fell "below Capita standards" and is now being reassessment but paper work this time.

SSubsequently I complained to PIP and how their case manager could come to the decision of matching the scores and then CANCELLING my PIP completely.I had a phone call from this case manager which was recorded also to explain the reasoning and ripped him to shreds which you can hear on the audio he had in fact made mistakes!He ended up terminating the call which you hear him saying as he could not give an explanation as to why he did not award OR the reasons he ignored my medical evidence stating he also did not listen to the audio of the assessment!!!Surely that is part of their report to enable knowing the answers to the questions?

Still waiting for final decision from PIP complaints team who asked me for longer time to complete their investigation at time of writing this

Again so sorry for such a long story but at my wits end stressed to the max but my argument is they state false information can lead to prosecution Surely that should work both ways as both assessor and case manager both make false accusations about me??

