Pip decision

tommy25 Online Community Member Posts: 21 Listener
edited February 22 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA

Hello is there someone on here that can please help me?

Back in 20216 I broke my foot in a work injury and been medication ever since as I now suffer from chronic pain in my foot this led me down hill as I got depressed and anxious and been on medication for 8 years for both they on the highest MGs of both and IV never ask for any help with them I now coming up to 2023 I was diagnose with sciatica on the same leg that I broke my foot with been on medication for this as well being all strong medication as also put me part of sleep acne and I'm also anemic so I had a blood test and they test me for everything and find out that I have pre diabetes tipe 2 and I got trigger finger this as all made my depression worse and as I can't no longer walk for long from pain in my back and leg I ask for a pip from which I did in September 2024 I then had a assessment by phone call on February 2025 as this goes on I'm back and forth from the hospital as I now going to have instructions in to my spine for the pain I get no one as come back to me from the pip department and the person that took my call when I explained all the things wrong they came across like I'm putting it on as there was alot to go over I feel like that one hour and 50mins of a phone call can get a clear picture of what someone is going through and I just feel like I was not taking seriously at all I have other letters and other medicine that I been put on can I tell them about it?

I never wanted to ask for help but I can't do what I use to be able to do I can't walk fast I can no longer run or play football or even a bike ride because of the pain I now have panic attacks when I'm about people which is new to me I don't know why my body as gone so far down hill any help be grateful thank you



  • Kimi87
    Kimi87 Online Community Member Posts: 4,404 Championing
    edited February 20

    Now you've had your assessment, the health assessment provider will send the report to a DWP Decision Maker for a decision.

    Timescales for a decision are anything up to 12 weeks.

    You can ring PIP and request a copy of the assessment report, if they themselves have you can be sent a copy.

    The DWP Decision Maker usually goes with the report to guide the decision, but not always.

    If you are unhappy with the decision you can appeal, that is the time you would give further evidence.

  • Mijuka
    Mijuka Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener

    Poor you,, try to relax as much as you can. Fingers crossed thing eventually will get better

  • tommy25
    tommy25 Online Community Member Posts: 21 Listener


    I had the phone call recorded and they did send me a cd but I have seen online something about a pa4 that you can request from the assessment if I have got it correct? And I was told about back payment of I am going to get pip on both Daly and mobility but am not clear on when that started from is it the phone call or is it when I sent in the form to them

    I just want to get something back to a live and that is easier for me to manage now


  • Kimi87
    Kimi87 Online Community Member Posts: 4,404 Championing

    Yes the PA4 is the copy of the assessment report.

    If awarded you will be backdated to the date of the phone call when you rang to apply.

  • Mary_Scope
    Mary_Scope Posts: 1,076 Scope Online Community Children and Family Specialists

    Hi @tommy25 and a warm welcome to the community!

    I see Kimmy has answered your question and provided some good advice so I won't add anything more today but I hope you enjoy your time here on the community. It is lovely to have you here!

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,713 Championing


    Hi and a warm welcome to the community.

  • tommy25
    tommy25 Online Community Member Posts: 21 Listener


    Thank you for explaining everything I do appreciate your help

    I will get InTouch with pip about the pa4 paper work

    Was it the pip from DWP I have to call or the people that did my assignment on the phone call thanks

    Thank you both for the big welcome I really do appreciate all the help on here

  • Kimi87
    Kimi87 Online Community Member Posts: 4,404 Championing

    It is the DWP PIP department you need to contact.

  • tommy25
    tommy25 Online Community Member Posts: 21 Listener


    I ending up calling them but the assessment person as not send them a report yet it's been 2 weeks from my assignment date but was informed that when they getting the report that it only takes 4 weeks for them to make a full decision on if I get pip or not thank you for all your help

  • Kimi87
    Kimi87 Online Community Member Posts: 4,404 Championing

    The report could have been sent for audit by the health assessment agency (this is to do with their internal processes and nothing that would affect the decision).

    Unfortunately there are no timescales for that to be completed.

    As I advised once the DWP receive the report, it takes anything up to 12 weeks for a decision.

  • Mijuka
    Mijuka Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener

    from the phone call

  • tommy25
    tommy25 Online Community Member Posts: 21 Listener


    I phone and ask for my pa4 form to be sent out to me this was last week

    Today I got the letter from my assignment and the points she as suggested for the person who is making the final decision and she as put down 10 points for Daly living and 12 points for mobility

    There was alot of other things I do have a big struggle with doing and that courses me pain she as put down I don't need any help with at all which I do strongly disagree with but going by the the boxes she as ticked is it looking like I well get any help or not sorry I didn't understand the point system thanks all

  • nasturtium
    nasturtium Online Community Member Posts: 390 Empowering

    Hello Tommy25

    The assessors information is only a guide for the descision maker. The descision maker can award more points or less points depending on how they read the information you included on your submission form and the information included on the assessors form.

    10 points for Daly living means the assessor thinks you should be awarded Standard daily living.

    12 points for Mobility means the assessor thinks you should be awarded Enhanced for Mobility.

    I hope that helps.


  • Kimi87
    Kimi87 Online Community Member Posts: 4,404 Championing

    You can use this tool to match where the assessor has ticked.


  • tommy25
    tommy25 Online Community Member Posts: 21 Listener

    Thank you πŸ‘

    So she think I should be able to get pip as a claim?

    But it's still up to the person that who is making a decision to decide if I do get it and what I may get and they can go lower or higher then what the assessment person as z if I got it correct sorry if I confused any one

  • nasturtium
    nasturtium Online Community Member Posts: 390 Empowering

    That is correct but it is rare for a descision maker to go against the assessors report but it has happened.


  • Sweeper
    Sweeper Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener

    I applied for PIP as well over 2months ago after being left housebound due to motorcycle accident, filled out all their forms sent them off still haven't heard anything back complete waste of time!

  • nasturtium
    nasturtium Online Community Member Posts: 390 Empowering
    edited February 28

    Hello Sweeper

    There are huge backlogs at the moment and people are waiting months for an assessment date so hang in there. If you are concerened that there might be a problem with your claim you can contact the PIP helpline on 0800 1214433 Hours Mon – Fri 09:00–17:00 (Best time to ring is 9am)

    Hope that helps


  • tommy25
    tommy25 Online Community Member Posts: 21 Listener

    @nasturtium thank you for the fast response

    Well they go against the decision of the assessment then? I hope not as I don't really want to go back though a mandate the reason of why I think I need help if they say no

    I tell you something for free I can't wait to it's over it's as stressful and been waiting for 6 months now

    Hello there sweetper

    I understand your feeling I been waiting 6 months to get to this point and I never had anything to this February including the assessment I never had anything in 3 months from anyone so please wait in there you well get a response or give them a call and just ask about a assessment that what I ending up doing wish you all the best

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,713 Championing

    Hi and welcome to the community.

    It may not be a complete waste of time for you but unfortunately you will have to be patient and wait to hear from them.