Pip decision



  • tommy25
    tommy25 Online Community Member Posts: 21 Listener

    Hello sorry again but I was looking at my lcwra letter that I got and I can't work this out as lcwra as gone full in with my mental health and not saying anything about my mobility problems I have yet the assessment and the points she as give me for pip as nothing on my mental health that I got all the marks for on lcwra and gone in with my mobility

    So how can I have things like hard time going out or a journey on lcwra and yet be fine in the eyes of the pip assessment to do so

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,965 Championing

    LCWRA & PIP are entirely different benefits with different criteria.

    You already have 12 points in the Mobility section, which is an Enhanced award. That is the maximum award you can get, so there would not be any gain to having more points in the 'going out' section.

  • tommy25
    tommy25 Online Community Member Posts: 21 Listener

    Hello there update

    So I resisted a text from the DWP saying I have been aspected for pip and I well get a letter in the post that can take up to 2 weeks

    I don't know what the decision that was made and on what only what the assessment person think I was entitled to but she didn't have the final say so but we see also something about a back payment because my pip started in September 2024 but we'll have to wait I guess and see I'm just happy I can get the help I need in my life I have struggled for 9 years without any help and can't do it as I get older

    If anyone knows what happens next now I got the text can you please let me know thank you all so much for being with me in this journey and wishing everyone the best 🙏

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,965 Championing

    That is good news! Keep an eye on your bank account if you use online banking as you will often see the PIP payment and/or back-payment come through before the letter does. Apart from that, all you can do is wait for the letter.