Redundancy and universal credit

goldy1691 Online Community Member Posts: 42 Connected

Hii all im after some advice please

Me and my partner have 2 daughters and claim universal credit history loosing his job on 28/2 and being made redundant ino i have to tell uc in my journal but does anyone know what will happen next will the reduancy pay be taken into account as savings or earnings? Will that mean that next month my uc total will be £0? I don't understand it 😕 . Also will he been made to go to the job centre straight away? Like from Monday 3rd March? What do they do please? As I've asked on my journal but never get a reply from anyone.

Also do i need to notify the other benifit offices about my partner being made redundant as I claim pip and dla for my daughter as well as I get esa contributions and I'm in the support group? I can't get to a citizens advice office as I have a 2 year old who wouldn't allow me to sit and talk as he don't sit still. I'm hoping someone can advise me on all of this please?

Thank you



  • goldy1691
    goldy1691 Online Community Member Posts: 42 Connected


  • Morgan_Scope
    Morgan_Scope Posts: 782 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hello @goldy1691.

    On his last day, he will need to update Universal Credit (UC) to inform them that he is no longer working. Redundancy pay is treated as savings/capital, whereas accrued holiday pay and final pay are considered wages. If you know the amounts he will receive, we can hopefully provide more specific advice.

    You mentioned receiving Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for your daughter and Personal Independence Payment (PIP) for yourself.

    Does your partner claim the carer element of Universal Credit at all?

  • goldy1691
    goldy1691 Online Community Member Posts: 42 Connected

    Hello no he don't claim the carer part as he was working 40 hours. Also the brake down his had from workfor reduancy to be paid in full on the 28/2 is

    Redundancy for time worked a week per year total is £2794.12

    Holiday accrued since jan till the date he leaves 28/2 is


    Total £3033.61

    Does that mean no uc will be paid till the money has been used above? Will he be expected to live off this for so long please?

  • Morgan_Scope
    Morgan_Scope Posts: 782 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hello @goldy1691, he could have claimed the carer element even while working full-time. If he provides more than 35 hours of care per week (including emotional support) to either yourself or your daughter (assuming she receives either the mid or high rate of DLA), he could claim the carer element, provided no one else is already claiming it for the same person. This would mean he wouldn't have any work commitments or need to attend appointments at the job centre. He is able to work, even full-time, and still claim the carer element of UC, as Carer's Allowance has different rules to the carer element of UC.

    Regarding redundancy pay, it should be considered as savings/capital. Unless it pushes your total savings and capital over £6,000, it should not affect your UC claim.

    Any holiday pay owed and regular wages still to be paid will be treated as normal income on your next UC statement.

  • goldy1691
    goldy1691 Online Community Member Posts: 42 Connected

    Thank you so much for coming back to me can you tell me going forward can he put in claim for careers allowance or is it careers element on UC? Or is it to late he cares for me like prepares food encourages me to bath and plan journeys etc or is it to late now? Also we did see he could put in for jsa new style is that correct whilst his out of work? Or can you only put in for jsa new style if he don't put in for the careers element? Also does careers amount paid come out of the uc paid monthly? Thanks

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,544 Championing
    edited February 24

    It is Carers Element on UC. Worth £198.31 a month.

    Carers Element would be added to your UC.

    It won't be deducted from your UC award.

    New Style JSA would be deducted in full from your UC award, so there is no financial gain to claiming.

  • Morgan_Scope
    Morgan_Scope Posts: 782 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    @Kimmy87 has said everything I would have said @goldy1691 and given great advice. Let us know if you have any other questions.

  • goldy1691
    goldy1691 Online Community Member Posts: 42 Connected

    Thank you both just a quick question I had a quick look on Google and it said to get carrers claim you have to be earning less then £140 a week but when my other half is in work he gets £399 a week after tax and ni so he wouldn't qualify would he when he gets back into work?

  • goldy1691
    goldy1691 Online Community Member Posts: 42 Connected

    Also just to confirm as I need it said to me as simple as possible as long as my partners reduancy don't give us a bump of £6k in savings uc won't deduct from the monthly payment in March? Thanks

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,544 Championing
    edited February 24

    Those rules are for Carers Allowance.

    CA is a separate benefit to UC.

    We have been telling you about Carers Element.

    UC is a benefit made up of different elements. Housing Element, Standard Allowance, LCWRA etc.

    Carers Element is another one of those.

    As Morgan advised CE has different eligibility to CA, with CE there is no earnings limit.

  • goldy1691
    goldy1691 Online Community Member Posts: 42 Connected

    Ok thank you how do I apply for C E please?

  • goldy1691
    goldy1691 Online Community Member Posts: 42 Connected

    Sorry I meant how does my partner apply? Thanks

  • goldy1691
    goldy1691 Online Community Member Posts: 42 Connected

    Also if he applies now can we get question as to why his only applying now his lost his job? I didn't even no about it. Thanks

  • goldy1691
    goldy1691 Online Community Member Posts: 42 Connected

    Below is what our uc payment is made up of monthly

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,544 Championing

    Your partner needs to log in to your UC account, select report a change, caring for someone, and go from there.

  • goldy1691
    goldy1691 Online Community Member Posts: 42 Connected

    Standard allowance


    You get a standard amount each month. You said you're in a couple



    You get support for 2 children

    Disabled children


    You said that you have 1 disabled child

    Limited capability for work and work-related activity


    You said your health affects you at work or prevents you from working

  • goldy1691
    goldy1691 Online Community Member Posts: 42 Connected

    Would CE of been added automatically if my partner was eligible for it?


  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,544 Championing

    No you have to report to UC that you are caring for someone.

  • goldy1691
    goldy1691 Online Community Member Posts: 42 Connected

    Thank you will he get in trouble for only reporting this now when his been caring for myself for years? And never applied for it before? Can it cause more trouble then it's worth do you reckon if he applies now? Thanks

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,544 Championing

    No he won't get into any kind of trouble. He is entitled to claim Carers Element so should do so.