Redundancy and universal credit



  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,557 Championing
    edited February 26

    That's great, everything is moving along as it should do.

    The next you'll hear about the backdate is a letter uploaded to your Journal. This will say whether they have "allowed" the change to reported late.

    The letter will be similar to the one shown here:

    If allowed backpay will then be calculated after this letter. That can take several weeks at least especially when several years are involved.

    When this has been done, a letter will be uploaded onto your Journal stating the amount they owe you. Payment will then be received within a few working days.

    Any lump sum received in backpayment of benefits is disregarded from the calculation of your UC capital for one year.

  • goldy1691
    goldy1691 Online Community Member Posts: 42 Connected

    Also had this reponse just now

    As your partner has stated that he cares for you 35hours plus a week and you receive a qualifying benefit for us to consider and award the Carer Element to the assessment of Universal Credit. Because they have stated that they have been caring for you since you were awarded PIP and have requested the element to be looked at from an earlier date it has today been referred to a Decision Maker to see if we are able to award the Carer element from an earlier date. When you made you initial application to UC in 2019 and again in 2022 the question arose on both applications ' Are you caring for someone with a health condition or disability' and both times it was answered as 'no'. This question is asked of each of you. Because of this we would not have looked at the carer element for you.

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,557 Championing

    They are saying because you answered no to a few questions when applying for UC, this is why they didn't consider CE for your claim after you applied.

    As I advised if they refuse the backdate, you can ask for them to look at that decision again (Mandatory Reconsideration) where it would go to a different Decision Maker.

    If it's still a no, you can take the matter to an independent appeal tribunal.

  • goldy1691
    goldy1691 Online Community Member Posts: 42 Connected

    Ok thank you so so much I just hope they don't sancantion us for not reporting sooner but it was a genuine mistake if I knew we would be entitled to it many years ago of course we would of put in for it I guess it's just a waiting game I highly doubt they will back pay at all due to answering no I feel like the response I had today is the lady telling me it will be a no but in such a way but only time will tell thank you 😊

  • goldy1691
    goldy1691 Online Community Member Posts: 42 Connected

    Hi both i had this letter on my journal I can't belive i haven't had to go through reconsideration and fight for it. I just don't no now If it it's for 2022 when my claim started for uc or for 2019 when my pip started and I also did put a claim in back in 2019 for uc but didn't get it back then. Thank you so much both you have helped me so much and if it wasn't for you both like I said before I would of never of know about the ce of uc thanks

  • goldy1691
    goldy1691 Online Community Member Posts: 42 Connected
  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,557 Championing

    It should be for when your UC claim started in 2022 😊 As that is when you would have been first eligible for Carers Element.

  • goldy1691
    goldy1691 Online Community Member Posts: 42 Connected

    Thank you