PIP renewal new question

Akyakita Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener

Hi all,

I have received my pip renewal form and there's a new question on every activity which makes no sense to me.

Can someone help me understand what it means and how to answer correctly.

"Please tell why and when these needs began" ?

Are they asking me when my condition started ?



  • IeyeIeye
    IeyeIeye Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener

    Yes, I think that's what they are asking.

    I answered with the same date, when my stroke occurred, for all those activities that I have difficulties with (due to poor balance, dizziness, fatigue, etc.).

  • Yani09
    Yani09 Online Community Member Posts: 17 Connected

    Try to recap on your difficulties in each descriptor.. your stroke is most likely the beginning of your difficulties. ( I hope you are doing okay, best wishes.)

    The review form also gives people an opportunity to update on new difficulties they have experienced since their initial claim. Definitely recap on as much as possible.

  • anisty
    anisty Online Community Member Posts: 530 Pioneering

    I thought that question had always been there?! (5 years since i completed a form so i might be wrong)

    For pip, the condition is not recognised as a disability until it has been present for 3 months. So there is no award during the first 3 months, no matter what you are reporting.

    And it has to be projected to last at least 9 months going forward.

    So - yes - it is when your condition started but, if you are reporting a change in your condition, it will be when the change occured.

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 909 Pioneering


    Yes you right.

    The question has always been there.