Wrist pain (scapholunate diasthesis)

everfunkyjd Online Community Member Posts: 10 Contributor

Hi there

I’m in my mid 40s and have developed pains in both wrists over the last five years. Most recently in my right wrist, I have worn down the ligaments between the bones.
In my left wrist the bones have fused together.
I had discussed surgery on my left wrist (breaking the bones, reconstructing and wiring together) but the consultant was nervous about performing the operation on someone with CP as he couldn’t guarantee a pain free outcome. I decided not to go ahead with it.
Now my right wrist is in pain too and I’m wondering about getting both done before I get too old.

Has anyone here had a similar experience with wrist pain and surgery? What was the outcome like? How long was recovery?

Very worried about taking the time out of work, and managing recovery living alone.

Thank you