28 Days to finish UC application

SM9346 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Connected
edited March 6 in Universal Credit (UC)

Hi everyone,

I started to fill in my application 27 days ago and only have 1 day left to finish the rest of my to-do list before I submit the claim which I haven’t finished yet. I’ve held it off as long as possible as my anxiety has taken over my life with this. My migration date is middle of May.

What happens if I don’t finish the rest of my to-do list tomorrow. Will my account be deleted on Friday and will I have to start again on Friday? I still got paid during the 27 days twice with my ESA since I didn’t SUBMIT anything. What happens with my ESA if I don’t finish the rest of the to do list tomorrow?



  • ChasingRainbows
    ChasingRainbows Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener


    Totally understand about your anxiety with this. I’m being migrated over too and having sleepless nights now me.

    I’m the opposite though with filling it in - I completed my claim in a couple of hours including my ‘to do’ a week and a half ago. Had put it off as long as possible but that was making me more ill. Only thing they had to do afterwards was call me to confirm my identity. It’s been really straight forward so far but I’m still stressed about it all of the ‘what if’s?’

    Do you still have a lot to complete?
    I really do understand about all the anxiety and upset it causes.

  • SM9346
    SM9346 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Connected


    Still have about 6 of the to do list to finish before I submit.

    I’m thinking of just letting my account close and do it again in a few weeks time while I get my anxiety sorted outs

  • SM9346
    SM9346 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Connected

    I’m the same. I’m thinking about a lot of the what if’s.

  • ChasingRainbows
    ChasingRainbows Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener

    I know this isn’t answering your question but from personal experience with migration, I’m still anxious but I’m a lot less anxious now than I was before I completed my UC transfer.

    So if you’ve not too much left to do, it might be better to complete it and then at least you won’t have it hanging over your head as it is such an awful feeling 🫤

  • SM9346
    SM9346 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Connected

    I know when I finally do the form. I’ll be a lot less anxious but still on the edge with it if that makes sense? I have researched every single thing on UC from the form to capital rules etc over the past month to the point where I’m having random breakdowns with it worrying about it. It’s ridiculous.

    I feel if I just start again in a few weeks. I can go in with a better mindset and won’t be as bad.

  • ChasingRainbows
    ChasingRainbows Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener

    It totally makes sense and I totally get breaking down with worrying about it.

    I still don’t know how I managed to complete mine so quickly tbh (I didn’t mention I was crying my eyes out before, during and afterwards! 🙈)

    I couldn’t confirm my identity online, so had a meltdown when I was told I’d be getting a call. I had a meltdown the next day but turned out the call only lasted a few minutes and the adviser was lovely!

    There’s so many conflicting and confusing things online about migrating, that don’t help either!

    Really hope someone on the forum can explain what happens if you don’t complete it tomo.

    I don’t know whether putting a note on your journal for your adviser explaining why you can’t complete it at this stage might help? Hopefully someone on here more experienced can advise if that’s def a good idea.

    Really will be thinking of you (genuinely) and hope you build up the strength to complete it.

    I don’t think they understood how much the additional anxiety of migrating over would effect our mental health and conditions!

  • SM9346
    SM9346 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Connected

    My anxiety makes me worry so much about these things. Even when the form is finally done I’ll still be crying my eyes out.

    i don’t have access to my journal as I haven’t finished my to do list.

    Thank you!

  • gerrys6
    gerrys6 Online Community Member Posts: 178 Contributor

    I opened my letterbox today and got the dreaded migration letter I too have u til end of may im dreading it im not good with change or forms from dwp they stress me out so much i have no clue what’s asked of me and is it right that ill be worse off then on esa support group ive got legacy benefits so need to fill the form in properly!

  • ChasingRainbows
    ChasingRainbows Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener

    Hi Gerry

    I’ve completed my migration online and I asked the person who rang me to confirm my ID, the case manager who deals with my journal and the helpline about switching over to UC and if I’ll be worse off.

    They’ve all advised I won’t be and transitional payments will top UC up to the amount I have been getting. I get Income Based ESA (support group - have been claiming for over 10 years), disability premium and also Housing Benefit.

    I completed it online on 25th Feb. I get my decision on 27th March and my first payment on 31st of March. So I don’t know what the formal decision is yet but I’ve been assured that I’ll get the same amount as I would on my own benefits. I’ll be stressed until then though 🙈

    I found completing the form online easy enough (except the ID confirmation) but they give me a quick call and it was sorted.

    It’s building up the strength and overcoming anxiety to complete the form that was the main issue for me. Plus it doesn’t help that there’s lots online that’s contradicting other info and there’s some posts on different sites about people being worse off, or having awful times migrating 🙈

    I’ll post my outcome when the end of the month comes, to give my experience of it all (until then I’ll be having panic attacks and sleepless nights 😬)

    Fingers crossed everything goes ok and I’m an example of when it goes smoothly 🤞🏼

    Good luck with completing your migration ✨

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,867 Championing

    If you don't submit your application, the form will be deleted and you will need to start again.

    Nothing will happen to your ESA because you haven't submitted the form, nor has your migration date passed.

  • SM9346
    SM9346 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Connected

    Hi Kimmy. So if my application hasn’t been submitted by end of tonight. I’ll have to do another application after midnight tonight?

  • SM9346
    SM9346 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Connected

    Hi Kimmy, when you mentioned the form will be deleted. Does that mean any of the to do list that I’ve fillied in so far will be deleted?

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,867 Championing

    Everything you have done or input into the form will be deleted if you don't submit it.

  • SM9346
    SM9346 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Connected

    When you mention the input into the form. Do you mean the to do list?

  • SM9346
    SM9346 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Connected

    I hate these things. Hence all the questions and paranoia

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,867 Championing

    Everything will be deleted. I don't know how to be any clearer than that.

  • SM9346
    SM9346 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Connected

    Sorry Kimmy. I struggle with severe anxiety and have a learning disability hence all the repeated questions and confusion.

  • ChasingRainbows
    ChasingRainbows Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener

    Hi newbie!

    So I had worked myself up into a right panic about this.
    Had a folder of paperwork about my claim beside me, lots of info.

    Adviser that called asked me to confirm my full name, address, mobile number, previous address (from 4 years ago) and if I received any other benefits at the moment.

    That was it!
    Took minutes and I even asked her ‘is that it?!’ 😅

    Please don’t get yourself worked up into a frenzy like I did and have a sleepless night. It sounds a lot scarier than it is.

    Hope that helps 😊