Hi, my name is Rachyroo!

Rachyroo Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener


Please can someone help ?

I contacted UC before as I've made withdrawrals from pension £5000 which was for mobility aids and they said as using it straight away it didn't need to be out into savings etc

I was advised also, as long as my income doesn't exceed £6000 there's nod eduction of uc

My question is please , what if I've made other withdrawrals from my pension since, never exceeding £6000 and all used for mobility things and towards my car being fixed for carers to take me to hospital etc

Will I get charged by UC for this. When I queried before with a gent he advised as they're different transactions and all under £6000 no I won't be. But I wanted any advise via here as it worries me ?

Thank you
