Telephone assessment pip

flower_fairy66 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener

Hi I was wondering if anyone knows how long usually take after the telephone assessment you get a decision I had to give up my job as a support worker which I loved doing I worked in the same house for 5 years so I thought I would still be there but we had a new manager last year who was a bully he harassed me when I was off sick I had time off as I had an operation in jan and my mother inl-aw died I July and I found out a couple of weeks later my best friend from teenage years had terminal cancer and passed away in November I tried to return to wor k and I had to attend a meeting with hr they told me to return when i was better and was told I'd be working christmas day but it was a 9 to 3 shift and it was a nice shift I could get a shift swap but I had worked the christmas before and wanted to support my husband and daughter and was waiting for my friend to pass away after the meeting he rang me 5 times I had a total breakdown and he was told by a phycologist to leave me alone but he still continued to contact so had o choice but too give up work and now it's left me whete my eating disorder is back I struggle to get out of the house once a week so if anyone can tell me how long they had to wait for a decision as I have no money and I'm worried even I know that I can't work now maybe never anyway sorry such long post thanks for reading and answer H x