Upcoming changes to benefits



  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 775 Trailblazing
  • axab43
    axab43 Online Community Member Posts: 26 Connected

    It need not be a worrying trend as the Tories have tried before to discriminate between mental health and physical ill health and it was shown as blatant discrimination. It is discrimination, obviously and that will be taken to court too. Tiktok is not the best place to look at during all this time.

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,379 Trailblazing

    I agree and I don't understand why anyone would spend all night on Tiktock worrying themselves stupid over posts that do nothing more than scaremongering by random people harping on about benefit reforms when the reality is these people don't know anymore than the rest of us.

    Best to ignore speculation and scaremongering and wait for the official announcement.

  • Meg24
    Meg24 Online Community Member Posts: 387 Trailblazing

    Well that was thinly veiled, and inaccurate.

    In correction I wasn't watching psychopathic agitators, I was listening to fellow disabled people voice their stories and concerns and reading comments left by other disabled people.

    I'm intelligent enough not to fall for conspiracy theorists and worry myself "stupid"...

    Don't attack people for having reasonable concerns and reporting what they're experiencing, that's just denial.

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,379 Trailblazing
    edited March 13

    I did not attack anyone.

    Neither am I in denial.

    None of us know what will happen until we get official confirmation.

  • Maggie37
    Maggie37 Online Community Member Posts: 43 Empowering

    I think some people do want to check news as it’s happening and investigate to the best of their ability.. others find that triggering to their mental and physical health conditions?We’ve all got to get through this to the best of our unique abilities. I just see current events as part of a bigger picture. Starmer is building a ‘War Chest’ and ultimately they will need to tax everyone. Attacking the disabled is a part of their universal tax plans. They want to say’even the disabled were not exempt’ before raising taxes en masse. It’s a cruel procedure but all things considered won’t be easy to get through as it stands. The deferment to next week is because they realise this IMO. Everyone who needs breaks, time out from this please do so.. those who need to scroll and check.. continue.

    It’s unforgivable that they have caused this stressor to vulnerable people,they are moral vacuums now in my eyes.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 410 Pioneering

    he seems to have surrounded himself with MPs that he can bully into doing what he wants. They weren’t expecting this backlash and if the green paper was leaked by someone who didn’t approve of it that would have been a shock.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,247 Championing

    I prey to God it doesn't all over news this morning what if he talks the mps who don't want it around to voting it

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,247 Championing

    That guy on good morning Britain says the revolt won't be big enough to stop thier plans what does define severe mental health or physical health

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,247 Championing

    If we been assessed as severely ill then should be left alone I get john pring news letter later see if they have idea

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,247 Championing

    I think I've gone delirious can't stop laughing from one extreme to the other I have three doggies looking at me like what the hell what the hell does behavioural problems ??? Just caught on news

  • ella1992
    ella1992 Online Community Member Posts: 290 Contributor

    Does anybody know what's happing with lwrca iv heard so many stories i currently work 17.5 hours a week iv tried to work more and mentally I cant I find it overwhelming 17.50 is just right for me I suffer with bpd adhd and depression and ainexty and currently on watin list for asuim

  • Meg24
    Meg24 Online Community Member Posts: 387 Trailblazing

    I asked my therapist to organise a diagnostic visit with a psychiatrist, even though I've spend decades avoiding a diagnostic label because I didn't want one & felt it not only wouldn't help me but might hold me back or even damage me.

    She has done this for other clients as a joint visit with herself to provide support and further information for the Dr.

    She enquired about arranging one for me and was told by the trust that they don't see patients for diagnosis anymore, they don't have the time.

    So, despite having over 30 years of NHS evidence & having lifelong severe MH problems for over 50 years, I could easily be shoved into the 'mild MH' category and get cut off?

    I'm really not sure what to do about that, for so many years I've not wanted a label, can't get one now...

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,247 Championing

    I think keep lwc everyone be moved from lwcra to lwc to job searches

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,247 Championing

    Omg that made my day wish we could put them all in the arena like the Romans did oh andi66 that really tickeled me

  • Meredithshep
    Meredithshep Online Community Member Posts: 84 Empowering

    Not been active on here for a while sorry, my mental health has taken a nose dive with all of this. I have been from indefinate DLA high rate to low rate Pip and contribution based ESA over 30 years, they've had all the proof over those years and last year went to high rate. I get passed from pillar to post like so many of us do, doctor to talking therapies from talking therapies back to doctor from there to mental health from there to talking therapies trauma and from there discharged and told to come back in a few months or not until I am ready to relive my trauma. I've had scans over 30 years they no longer bother because we know what's wrong, I was under pain clinic for over 25 years but then they changed things so you have to wait 15 months for the treatement I have to be repeated which means you can no longer self refer and go back on the merrygo around of MSK then referal then waiting list all over again so you don't get that treatment for another 9 months. We don't all go to our doctors regularly as they already know what's wrong or do they because the old DR patient relationships have gone as we get different doctors each time now. I avoid the forum because all the speculation makes me worse but at the same time I have a need to know now thing going on so all told the government has made my illnesses worse and the NHS is on it's knees with mental health and every other service on it's knees there's nowhere to turn. I don't get free prescriptions or anything else because I am not on means tested benefits and own my own home yet fear that the target will be pointed straight at those of us who do not claim income related benefits. I've read that ESA would be the easiest and less opposed benefit to stop although have no idea how true this is, I have never appealed any pip decision I've had due to fear and anxiety of the system and I have had face to face and telephone reviews every 3 years. The people doing my reviews have always been medically trained so it's nonsense that it's easy to get pip. What will happen when everything changes, do they keep all the medical evidence they've had from you or will it all start again with people flooding the NHS and GP's just to get the evidence again that the DWP have already had. What a shambles and now the government are making my symptoms worse. I wish you all well and hope that somehow you all get through this, I fear many will not.

  • Maggie37
    Maggie37 Online Community Member Posts: 43 Empowering

    This is where I think they’ll come a cropper. Good point. We have been assessed both by WCA.. and many of us on PIP/ ADP.. using doctors/ psychiatrists statements, prescriptions other significant evidence. Yet they are now somehow going to cut money from assessed people?? They assessed us using their systems!😳Referring people to local job coaches won’t work.. in my area( big city) apart from a few good souls, these people are burned out or contemptuous of the sick.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,247 Championing

    My emotions all over the place but yes they have to tread careful I think after court case ellen clifford they changed plans to pip

  • malice88
    malice88 Online Community Member Posts: 19 Connected

    I'm so frustrated at the rhetoric around it. I have always worked full time and applied for PIP due to the additional costs of my disabilities, not least because I've had to go private for one due to being on the NHS waiting list for 4 years and counting. I don't need help getting back to work, I need help staying in work which is what my PIP payment does. How is it not discriminatory to remove the thing that balances the playing field for disabled people.