Upcoming changes to benefits



  • Moorgater
    Moorgater Online Community Member Posts: 57 Empowering
    edited 3:37AM

    How many people have actually emailed them so far? Do you have an accurate number? That each MP has received? I don't so won't comment any further on that one. But do you imagine Starmer or Reeves and their ilk read their own emails anyway?

    Also you might want to avoid using terms like 'doing their bidding'. It's the sort of stuff you might hear on a late night phone-in from a caller who rants about the Illuminati and the New World Order.

    I'm going back to bed.


  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 859 Championing

    it’s not just lcwra

    Pip criteria change will block many of us successfully claiming

    If dwp follow through on push to work (which may trigger coming off uc depending on wage) then pip cuts via criteria change may end up being more problematic then lcwra criteria changes/cuts for some of us

    It’s mind boggling both have been put on the table

    (And they are targeting pip - the benefit that helps disabled to be in the position to afford to even consider work - as their priority)

    Kendall and co still don’t understand why the likes of dla & pip exact and how their existence aids the economy in many ways

    The dangers of nasty ppl thinking they are smarter than they actually are 🙄

  • PatrickLondon
    PatrickLondon Online Community Member Posts: 9 Contributor

    This is 4 AM and we are discussing during the night… We can't sleep… this is actually a sign we need this help and support… we can't give up… I don't know how I will survive if LCWRA would be cut 😥 I'm barely living with the current amount… can't imagine to have this lowered… I claim for mental health problem but it's so severe that I'm housebound and most of the time I'm in my bed… I don't know what next… I'm a bit lost but also I know I have to fight for my life… for our life… we can't give up… everyone's life is worth much… I'm weak but I won't give up, Liz it won't be so easy with me! ✊

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 859 Championing

    I still think reeves was sent to us by skynet 😂

    (Kendall I’m not sure by who…………..those scope members who like watching movies, put your suggestions here)

  • Summerlove
    Summerlove Online Community Member Posts: 94 Empowering

    IIlluminati you mean conspiracy theorist? no never been into conspiracy. I just know ppl who lack empathy when I see them and quite frankly they'd have to be living on the moon to not understand the consequences of major cuts to health benefits .

    No I don't know exact number but as one Labour mp said its the equivalent to a bomb going off in their inbox so I'm sure they will have informed the Labour leader like most are in regards to cuts and the impacts.

    Goodnight your either naive or a bootlicker for those who lack empathy but have prestige in your eyes.

    Either way I would prefer you not addressing my post again cos I feel annoyed by you.

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 859 Championing


    Time to get reinspired by events in 1997

    (Those with good memories - have we seen anything like that since?)

  • Moorgater
    Moorgater Online Community Member Posts: 57 Empowering
  • Summerlove
    Summerlove Online Community Member Posts: 94 Empowering

    Yeah not quite as spiteful as Michael put you down as incredibly naive which isn't a bad in and of itself


  • Moorgater
    Moorgater Online Community Member Posts: 57 Empowering

    Have no idea who Michael is and frankly don't care at this hour.

    But, again, sleep well.

  • Summerlove
    Summerlove Online Community Member Posts: 94 Empowering

    Yeah this hour can't sleep wonder why probably because I'm feeling secure that the green paper will increase our living standards and bring security and a rainbow birds chirping blue skies

  • Santosha12
    Santosha12 Online Community Member Posts: 413 Empowering
  • Danny123
    Danny123 Online Community Member Posts: 82 Contributor

    @apple85 it all depends what situation your in I suppose , I agree pip freeze is the least of our worries .... It's the criteria change for lcwra that is my poison challis , I get lcwra and cbesa , technically I've never been assessed for LCWRA as I moved over from support group voluntary, although I hear when I get reassessed again it's all done through the UC form which is identical to the esa50 .... But with all this who knows what's going to happen , I guess it all depends how much harder it will be to qualify , I know one thing this will be a long drawn out saga , imagine the damage it's going to do and how hard it will be to implement

  • Moorgater
    Moorgater Online Community Member Posts: 57 Empowering

    You might want to try. On the plus side, if the PIP reports tonight are true, at least a partial climbdown is likely on Tuesday. That's before we've even really started. Even if you can't sleep, getting off here for a few hours might help. We're unlikely to hear too much more Sunday. I suspect they will wait to assess the mood of MPs Monday. Right now, Liz Kendall probably doesn't know what she will announce this week so there's little to be gained by speculating.

    Until then, we could all do worse than take a break, enjoy the sunshine and try and do something enjoyable Sunday.

    I do hope you are able to sleep for at least a while.

    Night night.

  • Santosha12
    Santosha12 Online Community Member Posts: 413 Empowering

    Same here (COPD long covid etc etc), ❤️ . I didn't have my heating on prior to Xmas got pneumonia boxing day / emergency admission to hospital. Subsequently became double pneumonia and 30% loss of kidney function. Was 'reprimanded' for sitting in the cold and I eat every other day. But it's all so short sighted, goodness knows the cost of hospital/gp appts since, medications, 8 x blood tests and now permanently worse health. For the sake of a bit of help, all the shenanigans I've had to go through to get some help has also made my conditions so much worse. I just think it's so sad that thing's can come to this. On the plus side it's my eating day today 😋

  • Santosha12
    Santosha12 Online Community Member Posts: 413 Empowering

    I scare myself tbh more than they scare me. That sounds odd I know but I'm guessing 'being put in the preparing for work section means we'd have to accept our commitments for that. I know I will not. What I'm preparing for is going to the loo (health condition) same old nonsense just a different day, so god only knows what I'll get. I'm thinking of ringing the food bank next week to see if can go more often than 6 monthly 🤔 I just will not be bullied by anyone else.

  • Santosha12
    Santosha12 Online Community Member Posts: 413 Empowering

    I came to say that, if I could take to the streets I'd most likely be able to work and would want to. My dad used to have a saying, 'the pen is mightier than the sword'. I need to get my thinking cap on, brain fog allowing.

  • Santosha12
    Santosha12 Online Community Member Posts: 413 Empowering

    I read somewhere this morning that one thing they're considering is allowing people to go back on their benefit easily if they trial going to work (sorry, I think it was that or maybe keeping it whilst they trial work but I'm sure it was the former). Either way, if this happens please get it in writing although even that is spurious.

    My experience, albeit yrs ago in 2010, told a very different story. I was in receipt of DLA and guaranteed (verbally) that I would still receive it if I started nurse training. Was in Uni for months before going to wards. The DLA was stopped within two weeks of starting at Uni.

    'Luckily', the Uni were helping me via Disabled Support and that was an absolute lifeline.

    I couldn't work in addition to Uni as mum had cancer and was supporting her but had 3 part time jobs in my 2nd and 3rd year and got tax credits.

    Fast forward after qualifying in 2013 to now. Ten years nursing, caught Covid three times at work - no PPE at nursing home and then when moved to another job after being dismissed for being off ill was sent from CLEAN surgical area to help on ward where I had 5 patients whose Covid tests came back positive New Years Day, 2022. I wasn't allowed a respiratory mask like colleagues as I'd not been FITT tested despite me chasing the team to test me so wore a blue mask. Caught Covid for the third time.

    One of the worse aspects of this was I'd refused to go to ward but was forced/ had no choice (i should have stood my ground) ; I was working in clean area and other staff too were sent to Covid areas and allowed back to clean area where patients were having surgery, the next day, despite not knowing at that point if they'd caught Covid. They had. Talk about putting patients at risk.

    In Nov 2020 it affected my intestines that has never gone/got worse and 4 diagnoses of bowel conditions. In January 22 it affected my lungs and has, along with c 20 other health conditions, completely decimated my health. Long covid which these two words don't even begin to express the reality, brain, lungs joints and bowels affected and what I like to call 'peripherals', eyes, ears 🙄).

    Sorry for rant but my point is I would not trust ANYTHING the DWP or government say. I don't trust the NHS after my experiences either (far, far worse than what I've detailed here including whistleblowing) and will, in general, avoid going in unless I am literally on my last legs. One of the saddest realisations is my experiences - especially at work - worsened by health, likely irreversibly, and I didn't know that at the time.

    I am so angry when I hear 'taking the mickey' type of comments. I know absolutely who was taking the mickey out of me leaving my health so poor I'd be euthanased if I was a dog.

    All I am saying is please take care, please question and challenge anything and everything. Please protect your health as very best you can. The saying if you don't have your health you have nothing is so true in my case. I have to now try and galvanise my anger, and sadness, into action. I don't know what that is yet but I'll summon it up from somewhere.

    Much love to everyone on here ❤️

  • ThirtySixteen
    ThirtySixteen Online Community Member Posts: 31 Connected

    Not sure how reassuring this will be for folks but this was on Breakfast TV just now.
    It’s an article in The Observer.

  • Loulou82xx
    Loulou82xx Online Community Member Posts: 18 Contributor

    Like everybody else on Scope I have been trying hard to not get overwhelmed with fear as it is not good for my physical or mental health but it is difficult to avoid the fearmongering in the news. I have been switching the news off the second it starts and trying to avoid reading newspapers.

    We don't have definite details yet, we do know cuts are coming and we know they are likely to be the harshest cuts disabled people have ever faced. It is really hard for me to even begin to wrap my head around how I will manage financially if the cuts are as harsh as predicted.

    I don't think my husband will have any other option but to return to work full time and I think it is a point we are missing, I think this is also a push to put disabled people in such an untenable position that their carer sees no other option but to return to work, I know I am fortunate to even have that as an option as I know many people will not have that option as they are single.

    Many carers will be in the same situation and need to return to work which will save the government huge amounts of money through not paying them carers allowance and taking lots of disabled people off of Universal credit completely.

  • Vogue
    Vogue Online Community Member Posts: 50 Connected

    Bbc1 news this morning I saw headlines saying U Turn on pip disability due to labour Backlash backbenchers fingers crossed guys