Upcoming changes to benefits



  • tcellmutation
    tcellmutation Online Community Member Posts: 292 Empowering
    edited March 16

    "new system will require applicants to score at least four points on at least one activity to qualify.

    Those who meet this threshold would need another four points to qualify for the lower rate of payment. An additional eight points would be needed for the higher rate, too, it has been reported."

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 288 Empowering

    for me needing the 4 points for one question is a problem because in my experience with assessors they give points according to how empathetic they are . With my conditions pain spreads making it difficult to answer their questions. I had written that I couldn’t wash above my waist and other times below too. My assessor ignored what would have awarded 4 points to give me 2 . So if you get a bad assessor and you can’t wash above the waist that should be 4 Points but if they ask can you wash your hair and you say no that’s 2 points if I remember correctly. So in my case I was awarded the lower amount. Next time I will be recording everything.

    I also think the forms aren’t flexible enough and maybe there should be a separate form for MH and neurodivergent claimants . But obviously same amounts of award.

  • Loulou82xx
    Loulou82xx Online Community Member Posts: 20 Contributor

    I wish the media would stop saying Autism is a mental health condition it is a neurodevelopemnt condition. Autism is a whole spectrum some people have it and are able to function but some have it and mutism and are not able to live independently and function on their own. It is the broad brush they are using to basically say Neurodivergent conditions and Mental health conditions will be targeted, again with mental health some have mild anxiety and depression and some have completely debilitating anxiety and depression rendering them housebound.

    People with Autism and ADHD are more likely to also suffer mental health conditions as a result of their disability but that is true of everybody who is disabled, being ill does make you more likely to also suffer depression, in my case just from being in pain daily it does take a toll on your mental health.

    I am physically disabled and I agree we all have to stick together as if they come for one group they will eventually come for us all.

  • Loulou82xx
    Loulou82xx Online Community Member Posts: 20 Contributor

    Some people have mentioned Ellen Clifford she is part of a group called disabled people against cuts ( DPAC )


    They have information about protests and what they doing to get organised if anybody is interested. If the link doesn't work then just type in DPAC and I am sure it will bring up the correct page.

  • Vulcress
    Vulcress Online Community Member Posts: 12 Connected

    I see Streeting is doing a Miliband and now an expert on every medical/disability out there.

    The entire point of PIP and one of the reasons people with Cancer were refused, its not what's wrong but how the condition/disability affects you.

    Try talking Long Covid Wes, the legacy of a pandemic they openly said was handled horrendously, Top consultants are now reliant on Benefits having lost everything.

    Many local health boards do not even have long covid clinics and wont even mention the condition. Reid off GMB summed it up perfectly on the BBC earlier, If Starmers plan is to fund Ukraine via taking money off the weakest in society, good luck getting a 2nd term.

    They have alternate routes but as she pointed out it seems Starmer likes taking the easy one

    the one he knows provides the least pushback. Had he spoken like this during he Leadership contest He would not have won and I very much doubt Labour would have got the Numbers at the last Election. It seems since the Election actually maintaining trust has gone out the window.

    Another person summed it up perfectly last night, Who or what is "severely" disabled

    do they mean those with the severely disabled premium or another new set of criteria ?

    If they knew the damage they were doing would they even care?

    I spent the night being sick and my hair falling out in clumps I still feel so betrayed as a long term Labour Voter and once former Member I will never trust them again.

  • tcellmutation
    tcellmutation Online Community Member Posts: 292 Empowering

    So am I right in saying even if you have 2pts in every activity you won't even qualify for PIP...

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 288 Empowering

    Look at the question for washing , 4 points if you can’t wash yourself above your waist up to your shoulders but 2 points if you can’t wash your hair which last time I looked was on my head above my shoulders . So basically they’ll ask can you wash your hair and if you can’t you get 2 points but if you also can’t wash above your waist will you get that 4Points or the 2 ? This happened to me and they try award points so you don’t complain and as long as you get enough points it’s ok . But with these changes it be the difference between getting your award or being turned down.

  • JonnycJonny
    JonnycJonny Scope Member Posts: 241 Empowering

    It would seem that at least 16 points would now be needed to get the higher PIP rate for Daily Living - with a minimum of four points in 2 activities and another 8 points from the rest. Nothing mentioned yet in the media about Mobility.

    All speculation until Tuesday.

  • johnnyy85
    johnnyy85 Online Community Member Posts: 59 Contributor

    I currently get high rate daily living my highest point scoring was 3 washing and bathing and I got 16 points across the scoring on other activities, this woke mean I will lose my high rate and not even get lower rate

  • tcellmutation
    tcellmutation Online Community Member Posts: 292 Empowering

    a minimum of four points in 2 activities? Where does it say this?

  • JonnycJonny
    JonnycJonny Scope Member Posts: 241 Empowering

    Applicants to score at least four points on at least one activity to qualify.

    Those who meet this threshold would need another four points to qualify for the lower rate of payment. An additional eight points would be needed for the higher rate, too, it has been reported."

    That's mv interpretation of the above.

  • tcellmutation
    tcellmutation Online Community Member Posts: 292 Empowering

    My interpretation is you need 4 points on at least one activity and additional points can be made up from other activities even if they score below 4 points

  • JonnycJonny
    JonnycJonny Scope Member Posts: 241 Empowering
    edited March 16

    It could also be just 4 points in one activity and the other 12 points made up from any number of points in the other activities. It isn't totally clear.

    All mere speculation for the time being any way and a long way off.

  • tcellmutation
    tcellmutation Online Community Member Posts: 292 Empowering
    edited March 16

    At least 4 points in any one activity to even be considered for PIP

    At least 4 more points from any other activities to qualify for the lower rate (so 8 points in total)

    4 more points on top of that to qualify for the higher rate (so 12 points in total)

  • JonnycJonny
    JonnycJonny Scope Member Posts: 241 Empowering

    Agreed. We'll have to see - the devil will be in the detail.

  • tcellmutation
    tcellmutation Online Community Member Posts: 292 Empowering

    Thankfully I still meet that strict threshold and currently receiving the light touch to be reviewed again in 2029 but who knows if they'll wanna reassess again before this and score me lower so I don't meet the new threshold 🙄

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 288 Empowering

    if these plans go through. Another con as in my experience my assessor gave me enough points to get awarded but on some questions gave me 2 points when I should have scored more. But obviously knew I wouldn’t complain as I had the points needed.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 288 Empowering

    it seems misleading to me as I read it as 4 points for at least one question plus 4 for lower. 4 points for one question plus 8 points higher . I can’t see how you need 4 points once but still get an additional 12 points . 16 points seems as though you’d need to gain points once every question. Especially as In my experience they seem to award 2 points per question.

  • tcellmutation
    tcellmutation Online Community Member Posts: 292 Empowering
  • Wibbles
    Wibbles Online Community Member Posts: 2,424 Championing
    edited March 16

    One important point - the government can't backdate eligibility

    ie) If you were eligible for PIP, 2 years ago - you are still eligible today (unless something changes by way of your health improvement, which would need another assessment) - they can't backdate rule changes