Get your MP to act against cuts



  • Summerlove
    Summerlove Online Community Member Posts: 203 Empowering

    JJust listened to 5 seconds not my cup of tea unless you got free earplugs

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,342 Championing
  • stressed76
    stressed76 Online Community Member Posts: 70 Empowering

    @Tori_Scope ive tried to fill form in to contact mp but keeps saying internal error

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 801 Trailblazing

    I emailed my mp , nothing. He never replies to anyone

  • Summerlove
    Summerlove Online Community Member Posts: 203 Empowering

    MMine is usually a good responsive mp the silence so far on the cuts is making me quite nervous

  • Fuji
    Fuji Online Community Member Posts: 70 Empowering

    I emailed mine but I don't know what good it would do when mine is a useless tory that was parachuted into this safe seat from up north last election..

    I know this mp takes about 2 weeks to reply so I will see what he says.

  • Hobbit25
    Hobbit25 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Connected

    My Labour MP hasn't replied - surprise, surprise. Is it worth mailing my SNP MP? Or does it have to only be Labour since its a Westminster issue?

  • Santosha12
    Santosha12 Online Community Member Posts: 504 Empowering

    @noonebelieves I just wanted to say thank you for your post I agree with everything you said, very poignant, especially what you said after you worked in NHS for 20 yrs/why you feel discriminated against. I can't think straight sorry to reply eloquently but very moving and similar to my experience. I'm sorry though for what you've experienced too, it just makes me so angry. I might have a sleep so I can have better energy then which might galvanise me into some effective way of channelling it!!

  • noonebelieves
    noonebelieves Online Community Member Posts: 172 Empowering

    @Santosha12 , Thank you for responding to my post . Great to hear from you, and I’m glad you’re feeling well enough to contribute, even with the energy you have.

     Please don’t be sorry, Santosha. Neither of us is to blame for the state we find ourselves in—yours and mine—left with little to no energy to even think clearly. That’s exactly the position the government and all this rhetoric want us to take.

    I find myself in the same situation—one moment I feel like I can express my thoughts, and the next, I’m completely drained, struggling to think for myself, let alone contribute to a social forum or debate. It truly feels like we’re being battered no matter which direction we turn. Whether it’s seeking help with benefits or support elsewhere, we’re made to feel like we’re worth nothing. It’s almost a win-win for these ruthless policymakers. They have no clue what we go through every second of the day.

    So many people are struggling just to look after themselves, to the point of self-neglect, with barely enough energy to manage the most basic daily functions. As I mentioned in my post, more than the legal changes—which may or may not even happen—I’m deeply concerned about the ethos and language this government is pushing. They are deliberately creating a climate of fear around our basic needs and rights, keeping us constantly on edge.

    I dread the thought of having to endure these people in power for however long they remain in office, listening to their empty rhetoric. I also worry about the toll this will take on so many people’s mental health—including yours and mine—when we have fought so hard just to keep our heads above water and prevent ourselves from drowning.Please look after yourself 🤝

  • Gregam
    Gregam Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener

    I don't mind doing, but find it concerning, can't ut be used against us by MPs?

    Not sure the kind of people we are dealing with ie Government?

  • Natureico
    Natureico Scope Member Posts: 43 Contributor

    This is true.

    Many disabled people are being driven by distration and despair at these looming disability cuts, it beggars belief, that a Labour Government that is supposed to be the party of the working class, would brutally dismantle the disability benefit system, and cruelly inflict such financial and mental carnage and trauma on the most vulnerable in our society..

    And we all know, this Government has a £2.7 Trillion National Debt, or at least should know.

    Maybe if they stopped sending billions to Ukraine and spending a king's ransom on illegal immigrants, we wouldn't be seeing this devastating and callous plundering of disability benefits for British citizens.😠

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,342 Championing

    Keep emailing them was article saying mps getting flooded with very concerning emails from disabled people Keep sending I'm sending mine once week same over and over so it's getting to press how distressing it is for us

  • noonebelieves
    noonebelieves Online Community Member Posts: 172 Empowering

    @Catherine21 ,

    Yes, As you suggest,I haven’t stopped emailing my MP, despite receiving no responses. However, I must admit, I have this underlying fear of feeling exposed and too visible, knowing they now have my exact address. I worry about being further victimized—even though I logically know that wouldn’t happen. 😰

  • Amaya_Ringo
    Amaya_Ringo Online Community Member Posts: 260 Pioneering

    There is literally no point my emailing my MP. He's a tory, he's been in position for a long time, and while he has acted in the past, his response when I asked him about the tory's proposed cuts and bank account monitoring was frankly unacceptable.

    Good luck to everyone contacting MPs who might actually make a difference in the debate :/

  • kitsmum
    kitsmum Online Community Member Posts: 82 Empowering

    There was a template to use to email your MP about benefit cuts with a link straight to it. Anyone have any idea which discussion it was in so that I can use it. It was really good but I didn't have time or the energy to do it yesterday. Thanks

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,342 Championing

    This is the time for us all to email them there is thousands emailing daily they need to know our distress you want to see what I wrote in my pip form don't worry

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,342 Championing

    No they can't I've emailed every week I have 6 case numbers going

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,491 Championing

    My MP is Liebour and useless.

  • Ranald
    Ranald Online Community Member Posts: 773 Championing

    Blaming desperate people is never a good look. Also, do you think it wise to turn off the tap to Ukraine? This dreadful war is rather close to Europe don't you think?